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2.1 Unit Prices

2.1 Unit Prices
  • 11. Discount Store Savings on Fruit Drinks

    At a discount store, fruit drinks average $1.08 less per gallon than at a supermarket. A family of four people purchases all of its fruit drinks at the discount store. Use the graph to estimate the annual savings. (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      So, on fruit drinks alone, the family is saving about $55.73 by shopping at the discount store. You can see that by doing all of their grocery shopping at the discount store, the family would save several hundred dollars each year.

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  • 12. Discount Store Savings on Ground Coffee

    At a discount store, ground coffee averages $0.10 less per ounce than at a supermarket. Four college roommates purchase all their ground coffee at the discount store. Use the graph to estimate the annual savings. (7.68 ounces of ground coffee make 1 gallon of coffee.) (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

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      ______   _    _     _  _    __   __   ______   
     /_   _// | || | ||  | \| ||  \ \\/ // |      \\ 
       | ||   | || | ||  |  ' ||   \ ` //  |  --  // 
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     `--`       `---`    `-` -`     `-`'   `------`  
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    system user
    Guest   5 years ago |
    system user
    Cody (moderator)1 decade ago |
    I'm not quite sure what you mean. Could you please explain your concerns and I will be happy to help answer any questions you might have.

    Thank you.
    system user
    Guest   1 decade ago |
    i dont beleive this gives you enough TRUE information to solve this
  • 13. Discount Store Savings on Water

    At a supermarket, a 24-pack of 16.9-fluid-ounce bottles of water costs $4.99.

    1. At a discount store, a 35-pack of 16.9-fluid-ounce bottles of water costs $4.49. Suppose you buy all your bottled water at the discount store instead of at the supermarket. How much will you save per year?

    2. Your tap water rate is $2.62 per 1000 gallons of water. Suppose you use tap water instead of buying bottled water at the supermarket. How much will you save per year? (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution
      1. Begin by calculating the annual cost from each source.

        You would save $17.56 per year by buying your bottled water at a discount store.

      2. At $2.62 for 1000 gallons, tap water is close to being free.

        You would save $45.75 per year by using tap water instead of buying bottled water at a supermarket

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    system user
    Guest   11 months ago |
    I do not understand number B. I get how the annual cost comes out to $0.08, but where do you get the number $45.75 from?
    system user
    Guest   5 years ago |
  • 14. Savings on Homemade Coffee Creamer

    You use 0.5 fluid ounce of coffee creamer with each 6-fluid-ounce "cup" of coffee. The creamer that you use costs $2.19 for 16 fluid ounces. You can make homemade coffee creamer using the recipe shown. (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

    • Estimate how much you could save annually by making your own creamer.
    • The vanilla extract is optional. Estimate how much you could save annually by making your own creamer without the vanilla instead of buying the creamer at the store.
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