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2.1 Unit Prices

2.1 Unit Prices
  • 15. Product Downsizing

    Instead of increasing the price of a product, some manufacturers decrease the amount of the product in a package but charge the same price. Analyze the effect of product downsizing on unit price.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Begin by calculating the unit price for each can.

      By downsizing the amount in a can, the manufacturer increases the unit price about $0.05 per ounce. This is an increase of

      So, what might have seemed like no increase in price is actually a substantial increase of about 40%.

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  • 16. Product Downsizing

    Instead of increasing the price of a product, some manufacturers decrease the amount of the product in a package but charge the same price. Analyze the effect of product downsizing on unit price.

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     `-` --`     `-`'    `--`      `-----`     `-`'   
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  • 17. Effect of Product Downsizing

    A manufacturer decreases the amount of product in a package but keeps the price the same. What effect does this have on the unit price of the product? Explain your reasoning.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      As illustrated in Exercise 15, if you decrease the weight or volume of product in a container, but keep the price the same, then you increase the unit price.

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     `--`      `-----`  `-`   `-`    `-`'   `-`   `-` 
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  • 18. Increasing Unit Price

    Is it possible to increase the unit price of a product by decreasing both the size and the price? Explain your reasoning.

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     `-` --`    `---`   `-----`   `-`   `-`  -----`   
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  • 19. Paying More for Less

    The weight or volume listed on a product may be greater than the actual amount of the product that you are receiving. A 1-pound package of chicken costs $1.99.

    1. The label on the package says "up to 15% solution." This means that 15% of the weight of the package is a solution. What is the actual unit price per pound of chicken?

    2. Compare the unit price in part (a) to the unit price on the package.

    • Worked-Out Solution
      1. Using the total weight of 1 pound, the unit price is

        $1.99 per pound.    Using total weight, including solution

        Using the fact that the package might have 15% solution, there could be as little as 0.85 pound of chicken in the package. For this weight, the unit price is

      2. Although the package states that the unit price is $1.99 per pound, this includes water or other solutions used in processing and packaging. The actual unit price of the chicken is about $2.34 per pound.

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  • 20. Paying More for Less

    The weight or volume listed on a product may be greater than the actual amount of the product that you are receiving. Two brands of bleach and their prices are shown.

    1. Find the unit prices of the two brands in dollars per gallon. Based on your calculations, which brand is the better buy?
    2. Brand A is 6% bleach. Brand B is 3% bleach. You can make 3% bleach by mixing 1 fluid ounce of brand A with 1 fluid ounce of water. How many fluid ounces of 3% bleach can you make using brand A?
    3. Find the unit prices of the two brands in dollars per gallon of 3% bleach. Based on your calculations, which brand is the better buy?
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