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2.1 Unit Prices

2.1 Unit Prices
  • 7. Comparing Unit Prices for Ketchup

    Compare the unit prices of the three brands of ketchup. Which is the best buy? Explain your reasoning. (See Example 3 and Example 4.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Begin by finding the unit price for each brand.

      Brand B is the best buy because it has the least unit price.

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  • 8. Comparing Unit Prices for Ketchup

    Brand D contains 114 ounces and costs $8.38. (See Example 3 and Example 4.)

    1. Compare the unit price of brand D with the unit prices of the three brands above. Is the largest product necessarily the best buy? Explain your reasoning.
    2. You use less than 20 ounces of ketchup per year. Does it make sense for you to buy the brand with lowest unit price? Explain your reasoning.
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  • 9. Fluid Ounces or Ounces

    A 40-ounce bottle of ketchup contains about 4.2 cups of ketchup.

    (One cup equals 8 fluid ounces). (See Example 3.)

    1. What is the unit price of brand C in dollars per fluid ounce?
    2. Why do you think a manufacturer would prefer to use ounces in the unit rate?
    • Worked-Out Solution
      1. Begin by converting 40 ounces to fluid ounces.

        The unit price is about $0.07 per fluid ounce.

      2. The manufacturer might prefer to use ounces instead of fluid ounces because it results in a lower unit price. Other reasons could include tradition or a government regulation.
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  • 10. Unit Price of Homemade Ketchup

    Below is a recipe for homemade ketchup. (See Example 3 and Example 4.)

    1. Compare the unit price of homemade ketchup with the unit price of brand A above.
    2. Your neighbor gives you 4 pounds of tomatoes from his garden. What is the unit price of homemade ketchup when you do not have to pay for the tomatoes?
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