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10.1 Health & Fitness

10.1 Health & Fitness
  • 15. Graphically Represent High Cholesterol Statistics

    Graphically represent the statement. (See Example 5.)

    About 15% of adults 20 years and older have total cholesterol greater than or equal to 240 milligrams per deciliter.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      A circle graph is a good choice to represent a part of a whole.

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     __   __     ___       _____    _____    __   _   
     \ \\/ //   / _ \\    / ___//  |  ___|| | || | || 
      \   //   | / \ ||   \___ \\  | ||__   | '--' || 
      / . \\   | \_/ ||   /    //  | ||__   | .--. || 
     /_//\_\\   \___//   /____//   |_____|| |_|| |_|| 
     `-`  --`   `---`   `-----`    `-----`  `-`  `-`  
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    Guest   7 years ago |
    This is an interesting topic indeed. I did not know it earlier that donors have so many questions before executing his donations. However, these are genuine and logical.

    Get iphone X all
    Great post thank
    Keep doing good job

    Eva miss
  • 16. Graphically Represent Total Cholesterol Statistics

    Graphically represent the statement. (See Example 5.)

    About 13% of males 20 years old and older and 16% of females 20 years old and older have total cholesterol greater than or equal to 240 milligrams per deciliter.

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     _    _     ______   _____       ___     _____    
    | \  / ||  /_   _// |  __ \\    / _ \\  |  __ \\  
    |  \/  ||   -| ||-  | |  \ ||  | / \ || | |  \ || 
    | .  . ||   _| ||_  | |__/ ||  | \_/ || | |__/ || 
    |_|\/|_||  /_____// |_____//    \___//  |_____//  
    `-`  `-`   `-----`   -----`     `---`    -----`   
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  • 17. Graphically Represent Average Cholesterol Statistics

    Graphically represent the statement. (See Example 5.)

    The average total cholesterol of adults 20 years and older is 198 milligrams per deciliter.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      A number line is a good choice to represent a value that is part of a continuous spectrum.

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     _    _      ___      _____    _    _     _  _   
    | \  / ||   / _ \\   |__  //  | || | ||  | \| || 
    |  \/  ||  | / \ ||    / //   | || | ||  |  ' || 
    | .  . ||  | \_/ ||   / //__  | \\_/ ||  | .  || 
    |_|\/|_||   \___//   /_____||  \____//   |_|\_|| 
    `-`  `-`    `---`    `-----`    `---`    `-` -`  
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  • 18. Graphically Represent Average Total Cholesterol Statistics

    Graphically represent the statement. (See Example 5.)

    The average total cholesterol of males 20 years old and older is 195 milligrams per deciliter, and the average total cholesterol of females 20 years old and older is 200 milligrams per deciliter.

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      ______     ___      ____     __   __    _____   
     /_   _//   / _ \\   |  _ \\   \ \\/ //  / ____|| 
       | ||    | / \ ||  | |_| ||   \ ` //  / //---`' 
      _| ||    | \_/ ||  | .  //     | ||   \ \\___   
     /__//      \___//   |_|\_\\     |_||    \_____|| 
     `--`       `---`    `-` --`     `-`'     `----`  
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  • 19. Describing Trends about Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease

    Describe any trends in the graph. (See Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      The most important trend that you should notice is that as total cholesterol rises, mortality from coronary heart disease rises.

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                ______             __   __   _    _   
      ____     /_   _//     ___    \ \\/ // | || | || 
     |    \\    -| ||-     /   ||   \ ` //  | || | || 
     | [] ||    _| ||_    | [] ||    | ||   | \\_/ || 
     |  __//   /_____//    \__ ||    |_||    \____//  
     |_|`-`    `-----`      -|_||    `-`'     `---`   
     `-`                     `-`                      
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  • 20. Comparing Information about Total Cholesterol

    Compare the information in the graph to the information about total cholesterol in the chart on page 457. (See Example 6.)

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               _    _    _    _      ___              
        ___   | || | || | || | ||   / _ \\    ____    
       /   || | || | || | || | ||  | / \ ||  |    \\  
      | [] || | \\_/ || | \\_/ ||  | \_/ ||  | [] ||  
       \__ ||  \____//   \____//    \___//   |  __//  
        -|_||   `---`     `---`     `---`    |_|`-`   
         `-`                                 `-`      
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  • 21. Calculating the Mortality Rate for a Cholesterol Level

    Use the information in the graph to determine the 6-year mortality rate for men with total cholesterols between 182 and 192 milligrams per deciliter. (See Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      From the graph, you can see that the 6-year mortality rate for men with total cholesterols between 182 and 192 milligrams per deciliter is about 4 men per 1000.

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     _    _    __   __    _  _      ___      _____   
    | || | ||  \ \\/ //  | \| ||   / _ \\   / ____|| 
    | || | ||   \ ` //   |  ' ||  | / \ || / //---`' 
    | \\_/ ||    | ||    | .  ||  | \_/ || \ \\___   
     \____//     |_||    |_|\_||   \___//   \_____|| 
      `---`      `-`'    `-` -`    `---`     `----`  
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  • 22. Calculating Coronary Heart Disease Mortality

    How many times greater is the risk of dying from coronary heart disease for a man with total cholesterol greater than or equal to 264 milligrams per deciliter than for a man with total cholesterol less than or equal to 167 milligrams per deciliter? (See Example 6.)

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        ___   | || | || |      \\ | || | ||  | |/ // 
       /   || | || | || |  --  // | || | ||  | ' //  
      | [] || | \\_/ || |  --  \\ | \\_/ ||  | . \\  
       \__ ||  \____//  |______//  \____//   |_|\_\\ 
        -|_||   `---`   `------`    `---`    `-` --` 
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