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10.1 Health & Fitness

10.1 Health & Fitness
  • 23. Graphing the Katch-McArdle Formula

    The Katch-McArdle formula for basal metabolic rate applies to both men and women.

    Make a graph for the Katch-McArdle formula. Describe any trends in the graph.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Using a spreadsheet, you can graph the Katch-McArdle formula.

      From the graph, you can see that as lean body mass increases, basal metabolic rate increases.

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  • 24. The Katch-McArdle Formula

    The Katch-McArdle formula for basal metabolic rate applies to both men and women.

    How much does one additional pound of lean body mass increase a person's basal metabolic rate?

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  • 25. Calculating the Basal Metabolic Rate

    The Katch-McArdle formula for basal metabolic rate applies to both men and women.

    Find the basal metabolic rate for a person with 100 pounds of lean body mass.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Use the formula to find the person's basal metabolic rate.

      The person's basal metabolic rate is 1350 calories per day.

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  • 26. Calculating the Basal Metabolic Rate

    The Katch-McArdle formula for basal metabolic rate applies to both men and women.

    Find the basal metabolic rate for a person with 130 pounds of lean body mass.

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  • 27. Calculating the Basal Metabolic Rate

    The Katch-McArdle formula for basal metabolic rate applies to both men and women.

    Find the basal metabolic rate for a person who weighs 160 pounds and has a body fat percentage of 25%.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      First, find the person's lean body mass. If the person has a body fat percentage of 25%, that means that 25% of the person's total body weight is body fat weight. That also means that 75% of the person's total body weight is lean body mass.

      The person's lean body mass is 120 pounds. Use the person's lean body mass and the Katch-McArdle formula to find the person's basal metabolic rate.

      The person's basal metabolic rate is 1546 calories per day.

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  • 28. Calculating the Basal Metabolic Rate

    The Katch-McArdle formula for basal metabolic rate applies to both men and women.

    Find the basal metabolic rate for a person who weighs 175 pounds and has a body fat percentage of 20%.

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  • 29. Maintaining Weight

    The Katch-McArdle formula for basal metabolic rate applies to both men and women.

    You have the following information about a man.

    Weight: 180 pounds

    Waist: 36 inches

    Activity level: sedentary

    How many calories does this person need to take in to maintain his weight?

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Using a spreadsheet, you can see that the man's lean body mass is 139.78 pounds.

      Use the man's lean body mass and the Katch-McArdle formula to find the man's basal metabolic rate.

      So, the man's basal metabolic rate is about 1740 calories per day. Because the man is sedentary, his BMR multiplier is 1.200. Use this number to calculate his outgoing calories.

      For the man to maintain his weight, his outgoing calories must equal his incoming calories. So, the man needs to take in about 2088 calories to maintain his weight.

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  • 30. Maintaining Weight

    The Katch-McArdle formula for basal metabolic rate applies to both men and women.

    You have the following information about a woman.

    Weight: 130 pounds

    Wrist: 4.5 inches

    Waist: 26 inches

    Hips: 33 inches

    Forearm: 8 inches

    Activity level: extra active

    How many calories per day does this person need to take in to maintain her weight?

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