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10.1 Health & Fitness

10.1 Health & Fitness
  • 9. Describing Trends about Heart Rate Zones

    Describe any trends in the graph. (See Example 3.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Here are some trends you may notice in the graph.

      • The upper and lower limits for the target heart rate zone decrease over time.
      • The difference between the upper and lower limits for the target heart zone decrease over time.
      • The two trends described above are also true for the fat burning zone, which is part of the target heart zone.
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    | \  / ||  \ \\/ //  | |/ //  |  ___|| | || | || 
    |  \/  ||   \ ` //   | ' //   | ||__   | || | || 
    | .  . ||    | ||    | . \\   | ||__   | \\_/ || 
    |_|\/|_||    |_||    |_|\_\\  |_____||  \____//  
    `-`  `-`     `-`'    `-` --`  `-----`    `---`   
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  • 10. Target Heart Rate Zone

    Is a 25-year-old with a heart rate of 150 beats per minute in the target heart rate zone? (See Example 3.)

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     __   _      ___               __   __    ______  
    | || | ||   / _ \\      ___    \ \\/ //  /_____// 
    | '--' ||  / //\ \\    /   ||   \ ` //   `____ `  
    | .--. || |  ___  ||  | [] ||    | ||    /___//   
    |_|| |_|| |_||  |_||   \__ ||    |_||    `__ `    
    `-`  `-`  `-`   `-`     -|_||    `-`'    /_//     
                             `-`             `-`      
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  • 11. Fat Burning Zone

    Use the graph to determine whether a 42-year-old with a heart rate of 130 beats per minute is in the fat burning zone. (See Example 3.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      From the graph, you can see that a 42-year-old with a heart rate of 130 beats per minute is not in the fat burning zone.

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      ____       ___       _____    ______   __   __  
     |  _ \\    / _ \\    / ___//  /_   _//  \ \\/ // 
     | |_| ||  / //\ \\   \___ \\   -| ||-    \   //  
     | .  //  |  ___  ||  /    //   _| ||_    / . \\  
     |_|\_\\  |_||  |_|| /____//   /_____//  /_//\_\\ 
     `-` --`  `-`   `-` `-----`    `-----`   `-`  --` 
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  • 12. Fat Burning Zone

    Is a 40-year-old with a heart rate of 110 beats per minute in the fat burning zone? (See Example 3.)

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      _____     ______   __   _     _____             
     / ____||  /_   _// | || | ||  |  ___||     ___   
    / //---`'   -| ||-  | '--' ||  | ||__      /   || 
    \ \\___     _| ||_  | .--. ||  | ||__     | [] || 
     \_____||  /_____// |_|| |_||  |_____||    \__ || 
      `----`   `-----`  `-`  `-`   `-----`      -|_|| 
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  • 13. Calculating a Woman's Daily Calorie Balance

    You have the following information about a woman.

    Weight: 121 pounds

    Height: 64 inches

    Age: 24 years old

    Activity level: moderately active

    Daily calorie intake: 1500 calories

    Determine whether you would expect the woman to be losing weight or gaining weight. Explain your reasoning. (See Example 4.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Using a spreadsheet, you can see that the woman should be losing weight.

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      ______   __   __    _____      ___      _____   
     /_   _//  \ \\/ //  |__  //    / _ \\   / ____|| 
       | ||     \ ` //     / //    / //\ \\ / //---`' 
      _| ||      | ||     / //__  |  ___  ||\ \\___   
     /__//       |_||    /_____|| |_||  |_|| \_____|| 
     `--`        `-`'    `-----`  `-`   `-`   `----`  
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  • 14. Calculating a Man's Daily Calorie Balance

    You have the following information about a man.

    Weight: 154 pounds

    Height: 68 inches

    Age: 26 years

    Activity level: lightly active

    Daily calorie intake: 3000 calories

    Determine whether you would expect the man to be losing weight or gaining weight. Explain your reasoning. (See Example 4.)

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    When posting a comment, you agree to our Terms of Use.

     __   __   _    _    _    _     ______    _____   
     \ \\/ // | || | || | \  / ||  /_   _//  |__  //  
      \   //  | || | || |  \/  ||   -| ||-     / //   
      / . \\  | \\_/ || | .  . ||   _| ||_    / //__  
     /_//\_\\  \____//  |_|\/|_||  /_____//  /_____|| 
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