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10.1 Health & Fitness

10.1 Health & Fitness
  • 1. Calculating a Woman's Ideal Weight

    In 1983, Dr. J.D. Robinson published the following formula for ideal weight.



    Weight = 115 pounds + 4 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Weight = 108 pounds + 3.75 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Use the formula to find the ideal weight of a woman who is 5 feet 2 inches tall. (See Example 1.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Use the formula to find the woman's ideal weight.

      The woman's ideal weight is 115.5 pounds.

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    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
    I know what you mean. The last time I was anywhere near my ideal weight, I was probably 16 years old.
    system user
    Guest   1 decade ago |
    I guess I should be 7' 6".
  • 2. Calculating a Man's Ideal Weight

    In 1983, Dr. J.D. Robinson published the following formula for ideal weight.



    Weight = 115 pounds + 4 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Weight = 108 pounds + 3.75 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Use the formula to find the ideal weight of a man who is 5 feet 3 inches tall. (See Example 1.)

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  • 3. Calculating a Man's Ideal Weight

    In 1983, Dr. J.D. Robinson published the following formula for ideal weight.



    Weight = 115 pounds + 4 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Weight = 108 pounds + 3.75 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Use the formula to find the ideal weight of a man who is 6 feet tall. (See Example 1.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Use the formula to find the man's ideal weight.

      The man's ideal weight is 163 pounds.

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  • 4. Calculating a Woman's Ideal Weight

    In 1983, Dr. J.D. Robinson published the following formula for ideal weight.



    Weight = 115 pounds + 4 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Weight = 108 pounds + 3.75 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Use the formula to find the ideal weight of a woman who is 6 feet 4 inches tall. (See Example 1.)

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    Guest   7 years ago |
    gang gang gang gang gang gang gan
  • 5. Calculating the Ideal Weight of a Person Shorter than 5 Feet

    In 1983, Dr. J.D. Robinson published the following formula for ideal weight.



    Weight = 115 pounds + 4 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Weight = 108 pounds + 3.75 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    How do you think you should calculate the ideal weight of a person who is shorter than 5 feet tall? Explain your reasoning. Then find the ideal weight of a woman who is 4 feet 8 inches tall. (See Example 1.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      To calculate the ideal weight of a woman who is shorter than 5 feet tall, you should subtract 3.75 pounds for every inch under 5 feet. For a man, you should subtract 4 pounds. This is because the Robinson formula gives a linear relationship between ideal weight and height.

      The woman's ideal weight is 93 pounds.

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  • 6. Comparing Ideal Weights for Men and Women

    In 1983, Dr. J.D. Robinson published the following formula for ideal weight.



    Weight = 115 pounds + 4 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Weight = 108 pounds + 3.75 pounds per inch over 5 feet

    Compare the ideal weights for men and women given by the Robinson formula. (See Example 1.)

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  • 7. Calculating the Body Fat Percentage and Body Mass Index of a Man

    You have the following information about a man.

    Weight: 160 pounds

    Waist: 34 inches

    Age: 21 years

    Find (a) the body fat percentage and (b) the body mass index for the man. (See Example 2.)

    • Worked-Out Solution
      1. Using a spreadsheet, you can see that the man's body fat percentage is about 21.0%.

      2. Use the formula for body mass index to find the man's body mass index.

        The man's body mass index is about 26.94.

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    Guest   1 year ago |
    good content
  • 8. Calculating the Body Fat Percentage and Body Mass Index of a Woman

    You have the following information about a woman.

    Weight: 125 pounds

    Wrist: 4.5 inches

    Waist: 24 inches

    Hips: 30 inches

    Forearm: 7 inches

    Age: 18 years

    Find (a) the body fat percentage and (b) the body mass index for the woman. (See Example 2.)

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