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2.1-2.2 Quiz

2.1-2.2 Quiz
  • 1. Comparing Unit Prices for Liquid Soap

    Compare the unit prices of the three brands of liquid hand soap.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Brand A has the greatest unit price. Brand C has the least unit price.

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     `-`  --`    `-`'   `-`   `-`    `-`'    `-` --`  
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    what the sigma
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    my dog ate my quiz
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    I know, right?! Letters to math, God help us all
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    Whos idea was it to add letters to math?!?!
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    I am here to conquer all math!
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    you are my loyal subjects now
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    hi peoples of earth.
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  • 2. Estimating the Annual Savings

    A family of 4 uses 128 fluid ounces of liquid hand soap annually. Suppose the family purchases brand C instead of brand A. Estimate the annual savings for the family.

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    | '--' ||  / //\ \\ |  \/  ||  | ||__   | // __   
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    system user
    Guest   4 years ago |
    Ahh haha
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    Guest   6 years ago |
  • 3. Finding the Markup on Liquid Soap

    The wholesale price of brand A is $0.99.

    1. Find the markup.
    2. Find the markup percent.
    • Worked-Out Solution
      1. The markup for brand A is
      2. The markup percent for brand A is
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     _    _      ___      _  __    _____    _    _   
    | || | ||   / _ \\   | |/ //  |  ___|| | \  / || 
    | || | ||  / //\ \\  | ' //   | ||__   |  \/  || 
    | \\_/ || |  ___  || | . \\   | ||__   | .  . || 
     \____//  |_||  |_|| |_|\_\\  |_____|| |_|\/|_|| 
      `---`   `-`   `-`  `-` --`  `-----`  `-`  `-`  
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  • 4. Applying a Coupon

    You have a coupon for 10% off brand B.

    1. How much can you expect to pay for brand B?
    2. How does the coupon affect the unit price of brand B? Explain your reasoning.
    3. Does brand B give you the most hand soap for your money after the coupon is applied? Explain your reasoning.
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    | // __   | || | ||  `-| |,-   | ||__      / //   
    | \\_\ || | \\_/ ||    | ||    | ||__     / //__  
     \____//   \____//     |_||    |_____||  /_____|| 
      `---`     `---`      `-`'    `-----`   `-----`  
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  • 5. Analyzing the Price of Homemade Hand Soap

    Use the following recipe for homemade hand soap.

    1. What is the unit price of the homemade liquid hand soap?
    2. You make your own liquid hand soap instead of buying brand C. What is the discount percent?
    • Worked-Out Solution
      1. The total volume of the recipe is 6 cups.

        The total cost of the recipe is

        The unit price of the recipe is

      2. Compared to brand C, whose unit price is about $0.093 per fl oz, the discount for the homemade soap is

        So, compared to brand C, you have a discount percent of

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