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2.2 Markup & Discount

2.2 Markup & Discount
  • 17. Finding the Markup Percent for an Energy Drink

    What is the markup percent from the manufacturer price to the retail price?

    • Worked-Out Solution

      The markup is The markup percent is

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     `-`  --`    `-`'    /_//      `-----`  `-----`   
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  • 18. Finding the Markup Percent on an Energy Drink

    What is the markup percent from the distributor price to the retail price?

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     `-` --`    `---`   `-`   `-` `-`   `-` `-`  `-`  
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  • 19. Finding the Markup Percent for an Energy Drink

    You buy one energy drink. You have a coupon for $0.75 off. What is the discount percent?

    • Worked-Out Solution

      The discount is $0.75. The discount percent is

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     _____     _    _      _____    ______   ______   
    |  __ \\  | || | ||   / ___//  /_   _// |      \\ 
    | |  \ || | || | ||   \___ \\   -| ||-  |  --  // 
    | |__/ || | \\_/ ||   /    //   _| ||_  |  --  \\ 
    |_____//   \____//   /____//   /_____// |______// 
     -----`     `---`   `-----`    `-----`  `------`  
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  • 20. Finding the Markup Percent on an Energy Drink

    Suppose the store marks up the energy drink to $3.25 instead of $3.50. What is the markup percent from the distributor price to the retail price?

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      ____      _____     ____       ___      ____    
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     | |_| ||  | ||__    | |_| ||  / //\ \\  | |_| || 
     | .  //   | ||__    | .  //  |  ___  || | .  //  
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     `-` --`   `-----`   `-` --`  `-`   `-`  `-` --`  
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  • 21. Finding Discounts for a Clearance Sale

    A store advertises that it is having a "30% off" sale on all items, with an additional 20% off clearance items. The additional 20% is taken off after the 30% discount is applied. You are buying a spice rack that is on clearance. The regular price of the spice rack is $30.

    1. What is the total discount?
    2. What is the total discount percent?
    3. Why do you think the store advertises its sale using two discount percents instead of one? Explain.
    • Worked-Out Solution
      1. Notice that taking 30% off and then taking 20% of the discounted price is not the same as taking 50% off.

      2. The total discount percent is

      3. One possible reason is that by having a 30% sale combined with an additional 20% discount makes it appear that the store is having a 50% off sale, when in fact it is having a 44% off sale.

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  • 22. Customer Service

    You work at a store that is having a "50% off" sale. A customer has a coupon for 50% off any item and thinks that a $40 sweater should be free with the coupon. How would you explain why the sweater is not 100% off? Explain your reasoning.

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