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Chapter 10 Review Exercises

Chapter 10 Review Exercises
  • 21. Location with Greatest Number of Ducks Shot per Hour

    The bar graph shows the data for an entire duck hunting season. Which location had the greatest number of ducks shot per hour?

    • Worked-Out Solution

      The location that had the greatest number of ducks shot per hour was the river blind because it has the highest blue bar.

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      _____    __   __  __    __    _____     ____    
     / ____||  \ \\/ // \ \\ / //  |  ___||  |  _ \\  
    / //---`'   \ ` //   \ \/ //   | ||__    | |_| || 
    \ \\___      | ||     \  //    | ||__    | .  //  
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      `----`     `-`'       `      `-----`   `-` --`  
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  • 22. Comparing Data about Duck Hunting

    The bar graph shows the data for an entire duck hunting season. How is the blue bar related to the red and orange bars?

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      ______   _    _     ____       ___      _  __  
     /_   _// | || | ||  |  _ \\    / _ \\   | |/ // 
     `-| |,-  | || | ||  | |_| ||  / //\ \\  | ' //  
       | ||   | \\_/ ||  | .  //  |  ___  || | . \\  
       |_||    \____//   |_|\_\\  |_||  |_|| |_|\_\\ 
       `-`'     `---`    `-` --`  `-`   `-`  `-` --` 
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  • 23. Number of Hours Spent Duck Hunting for a Season

    The bar graph shows the data for an entire duck hunting season. How many hours were spent duck hunting for the entire season?

    • Worked-Out Solution

      To estimate the total number of hours spent duck hunting for the entire season, estimate the values for all of the yellow bars and then add them.

      So, the total number of hours spent duck hunting for the entire season was about 125 hours.

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      _  _     ______   _    _    __   __    _____   
     | \| ||  /_   _// | || | ||  \ \\/ //  /  ___|| 
     |  ' ||   -| ||-  | || | ||   \ ` //  | // __   
     | .  ||   _| ||_  | \\_/ ||    | ||   | \\_\ || 
     |_|\_||  /_____//  \____//     |_||    \____//  
     `-` -`   `-----`    `---`      `-`'     `---`   
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  • 24. Analyzing a Bar Graph

    The bar graph shows the data for an entire duck hunting season. Which statistic is used to order the locations from left to right on the bar graph? Explain your reasoning.

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     _    _    __   __  __    __   __   __   __   _   
    | || | ||  \ \\/ // \ \\ / //  \ \\/ // | || | || 
    | || | ||   \ ` //   \ \/ //    \ ` //  | '--' || 
    | \\_/ ||    | ||     \  //      | ||   | .--. || 
     \____//     |_||      \//       |_||   |_|| |_|| 
      `---`      `-`'       `        `-`'   `-`  `-`  
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  • 25. Percent of Ducks Shot on Grasslands

    The bar graph shows the data for an entire duck hunting season. What percent of ducks were shot on grasslands?

    • Worked-Out Solution

      To estimate the percent of ducks shot that were shot on grasslands, estimate the heights of all of the red bars and then add them. Then divide your estimate for the height of the red bar for grasslands by the sum of your estimates.

      So, about 5% of the ducks were shot on grasslands.

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     ______     _____     _  _     ______    ____    
    |      \\  |  ___||  | \| ||  /_   _//  |  _ \\  
    |  --  //  | ||__    |  ' ||   -| ||-   | |_| || 
    |  --  \\  | ||__    | .  ||   _| ||_   | .  //  
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    `------`   `-----`   `-` -`   `-----`   `-` --`  
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  • 26. Average Number of Ducks Shot per Hour

    The bar graph shows the data for an entire duck hunting season. What was the average number of ducks shot per hour for the entire season? Are any of the locations outliers?

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      ______     ___     __   _      ___     _    _   
     /_   _//   / _ \\  | || | ||   / _ \\  | || | || 
       | ||    / //\ \\ | '--' ||  | / \ || | || | || 
      _| ||   |  ___  ||| .--. ||  | \_/ || | \\_/ || 
     /__//    |_||  |_|||_|| |_||   \___//   \____//  
     `--`     `-`   `-` `-`  `-`    `---`     `---`   
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  • 27. Statistics as Predictors of Future Hunts

    The bar graph shows the data for an entire duck hunting season. Hunting the wetlands yields 1.9 ducks per hour. Hunting the lakeshore yields 2.2 ducks per hour. Which of these statistics is a better predictor of future hunts? Explain your reasoning.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      The statistic that is a better predictor of future hunts is the 1.9 ducks per hour from the wetlands because it is based on more data. The hunting duration in the wetlands is 4 times the hunting duration on the lakeshore.

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    | '--' ||   -| ||-  / //---`'  | ||__    |    \\  
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  • 28. Analyzing a Bar Graph

    The bar graph shows the data for an entire duck hunting season. What other observations can you make from the bar graph?

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     ______      ___     __   __     ___      _____   
    |      \\   / _ \\   \ \\/ //   / _ \\   |__  //  
    |  --  //  / //\ \\   \   //   | / \ ||    / //   
    |  --  \\ |  ___  ||  / . \\   | \_/ ||   / //__  
    |______// |_||  |_|| /_//\_\\   \___//   /_____|| 
    `------`  `-`   `-`  `-`  --`   `---`    `-----`  
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