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Chapter 10 Review Exercises

Chapter 10 Review Exercises
  • 15. Relationship Between Win Percentages in Major League Baseball

    The scatter plot compares the win percentage on June 1 (about 50 games) to the final win percentage on October 3 (162 games) of every Major League Baseball team for the 2010 season. What can you conclude from the scatter plot?

    • Worked-Out Solution

      From the graph, you can see that there is a positive correlation between win percentage on June 1 and final win percentage.

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      _  _     ______    ______   _    _    _    _   
     | \| ||  /_   _//  /_   _// | || | || | || | || 
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     | .  ||   _| ||_    _| ||   | \\_/ || | \\_/ || 
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     `-` -`   `-----`   `--`       `---`     `---`   
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  • 16. Inconsistent Data Points

    The scatter plot compares the win percentage on June 1 (about 50 games) to the final win percentage on October 3 (162 games) of every Major League Baseball team for the 2010 season. Identify 2 data points that do not agree with your conclusion in Exercise 15.

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      ______   __   __   __   _     ______    _  _   
     /_____//  \ \\/ // | || | ||  /_   _//  | \| || 
     `____ `    \ ` //  | '--' ||   -| ||-   |  ' || 
     /___//      | ||   | .--. ||   _| ||_   | .  || 
     `__ `       |_||   |_|| |_||  /_____//  |_|\_|| 
     /_//        `-`'   `-`  `-`   `-----`   `-` -`  
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  • 17. Predicating a Final Win Percentage for a Baseball Team

    The scatter plot compares the win percentage on June 1 (about 50 games) to the final win percentage on October 3 (162 games) of every Major League Baseball team for the 2010 season. A team has a 0.600 win percentage on June 1. Predict the team's final win percentage.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      From the graph, you can predict that a team with a win percentage of 0.600 on June 1 will have a final win percentage between 0.550 and 0.600.

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      ____       ___      ______   __   __    _____   
     |  _ \\    / _ \\   /_   _//  \ \\/ //  /  ___|| 
     | |_| ||  | / \ ||  `-| |,-    \ ` //  | // __   
     | .  //   | \_/ ||    | ||      | ||   | \\_\ || 
     |_|\_\\    \___//     |_||      |_||    \____//  
     `-` --`    `---`      `-`'      `-`'     `---`   
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  • 18. MLB Regular Season

    The scatter plot compares the win percentage on June 1 (about 50 games) to the final win percentage on October 3 (162 games) of every Major League Baseball team for the 2010 season. There is an old cliché that the regular season in baseball is a marathon, not a sprint. Does the scatter plot support this cliché? Explain your reasoning.

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       _____     ___     _    _      ___      _____   
      / ___//   / _ \\  | \  / ||   / _ \\   /  ___|| 
      \___ \\  / //\ \\ |  \/  ||  / //\ \\ | // __   
      /    // |  ___  ||| .  . || |  ___  ||| \\_\ || 
     /____//  |_||  |_|||_|\/|_|| |_||  |_|| \____//  
    `-----`   `-`   `-` `-`  `-`  `-`   `-`   `---`   
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  • 19. Major League Baseball Playoffs

    The scatter plot compares the win percentage on June 1 (about 50 games) to the final win percentage on October 3 (162 games) of every Major League Baseball team for the 2010 season. Of the 8 teams that made the playoffs in 2010, the least win total was 90. Is it possible that a team with a win percentage less than 0.500 on June 1 made the playoffs? Explain your reasoning.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      From the graph, you can see that all of the teams with win percentages less than 0.500 on June 1 had final win percentages less than 0.550.

      In 162 games, none of the teams with win percentages less than 0.500 on June 1 could have had a win percentage greater than 0.550. A team with a win percentage of 0.550 would have won

      None of the teams with win percentages less than 0.500 on June 1 could have won more than 89.1 games. Because 89.1 is less than 90, it is not possible that a team with a win percentage less than 0.500 on June 1 made the playoffs.

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     _    _    __   __   _    _      ___      _  __  
    | \  / ||  \ \\/ // | || | ||   / _ \\   | |/ // 
    |  \/  ||   \ ` //  | || | ||  / //\ \\  | ' //  
    | .  . ||    | ||   | \\_/ || |  ___  || | . \\  
    |_|\/|_||    |_||    \____//  |_||  |_|| |_|\_\\ 
    `-`  `-`     `-`'     `---`   `-`   `-`  `-` --` 
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  • 20. Analyzing a Quote

    The scatter plot compares the win percentage on June 1 (about 50 games) to the final win percentage on October 3 (162 games) of every Major League Baseball team for the 2010 season. Does the scatter plot support the following quote?

    "Since 1996, only 9% of teams with a losing record on June 1 finished the season with 90 wins. "

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      _____    __   __   _    _    _    _             
     |__  //   \ \\/ // | |  | || | || | ||     ___   
       / //     \ ` //  | |/\| || | || | ||    /   || 
      / //__     | ||   |  /\  || | \\_/ ||   | [] || 
     /_____||    |_||   |_// \_||  \____//     \__ || 
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