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1.4 Units & Conversions

1.4 Units & Conversions
  • 15. Finding the Height of Mount McKinley

    The map shows the height of the highest mountain on each of Earth's seven continents. Climbing all seven mountains, also known as the Seven Summits, is considered a challenge in mountaineering. Use the information on the map to determine the height of Mount McKinley in feet.

    (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      From the map, you can see that Mount McKinley is 6194 meters high. To convert this to feet, you can use unit analysis.

      Mount McKinley is about 20,322 feet high.

      Another way to find the height is to use the Length (Distance) Converter that is located in Tools.

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    Gerard Parsons   5 years ago |
    system user
    Gerard Parsons   5 years ago |
    If you've been an amateur photographer for any length of time then odds are you've got stacks of slides and/or negatives laying around. <a href=""></a>
  • 16. Ordering Heights with Different Units

    The map shows the height of the highest mountain on each of Earth's seven continents. Climbing all seven mountains, also known as the Seven Summits, is considered a challenge in mountaineering. Order the heights of the Seven Summits from highest to lowest. (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

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  • 17. Climbing Mount Everest

    You are climbing Mount Everest. After 1 hour, you have climbed 183 meters. Find your rate of ascent in feet per minute. (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      To convert this rate to feet, you can use unit analysis.

      During the first hour, you were ascending at about 10 feet per minute.

      You can also use the Velocity Converter that is located in Tools.

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  • 18. Comparing Mountain Heights

    The map shows the height of the highest mountain on each of Earth's seven continents. Climbing all seven mountains, also known as the Seven Summits, is considered a challenge in mountaineering. The original Seven Summits included Mount Kosciuszko in mainland Australia instead of Mount Carstensz. Mount Kosciuszko is about 2228 meters high. Is it higher or lower than Mount Carstensz? Explain. (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

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  • 19. Boiling Water at the Summit of Mount Everest

    At the summit of Mount Everest, water boils at 69°C.

    1. Convert this temperature to degrees Fahrenheit.
    2. Could you boil a potato at the summit until it is cooked? Explain.

    (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution
      1. To convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, you can use the formula on page 38.

        At the summit of Mount Everest, water boils at about 156°F, instead of the normal 212°F that it boils at sea level.

      2. Because water boils at lower temperatures in the mountains, it takes longer to boil potatoes when you are in the mountains. This is the reason that people who live in regions like the Colorado Rockies often use pressure cookers to boil potatoes.

        At the summit of Mount Everest, you would need to boil a potato, using an open pot, for a long time before the potato was cooked.

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    Guest   6 years ago |
    This is awesome sauce @hopkins
  • 20. Estimating Temperature

    The map shows the height of the highest mountain on each of Earth's seven continents. Climbing all seven mountains, also known as the Seven Summits, is considered a challenge in mountaineering. For every 1000 feet of elevation, the air temperature drops about 6.5°C. Assume the temperature at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro is 23°C. Estimate the temperature at the summit in degrees Fahrenheit. (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

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