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7.4 Fibonacci & Other Patterns

7.4 Fibonacci & Other Patterns
  • Math Help

    Although the Fibonacci sequence starts with 0 and 1, a general Fibonacci sequence can start with other numbers. For instance, in Example 2, the first two bone lengths are 2 and 3. If the lengths follow a Fibonacci pattern, then the lengths should be

    These numbers match the lengths of the bones in the x-ray, so the lengths follow a Fibonacci pattern.

  • Consumer Suggestion

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  • Checkpoint Solution
    1. The top number of the triangle is a 1. Every other number is a sum of the two numbers above it. If there is only one number above a certain number, the missing number is understood to be zero.
    2. The sum of the "diagonals" shown by the red lines forms the Fibonacci sequence. The sums of the first 6 diagonals shown are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8.
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