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7.4 Fibonacci & Other Patterns

7.4 Fibonacci & Other Patterns
  • Math Help

    Although the Fibonacci sequence starts with 0 and 1, a general Fibonacci sequence can start with other numbers. For instance, in Example 1, the number of breeding pairs for each month starts with 1 and 1. So, the number of pairs follows the Fibonacci pattern

    In the solution to Example 1, note that the table lists the number of breeding pairs for each month. To determine the total number of rabbits for each month, multiply the number of pairs by 2. The total number of rabbits is shown in the 4th column of the table below.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    Rabbits can make great pets, but you may want to read this Humane Society article or watch this video before you decide to get one. If you decide you want a rabbit, read these tips on welcoming your new pet rabbit home.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    Begin by entering the data into a spreadsheet. Then create a scatter plot showing the two growth patterns.

    The number of rabbits with the exponential pattern is greater than or equal to that of the Fibonacci pattern at every point. With the exponential pattern, the number doubles each month while the Fibonacci sequence of rabbits increases at a slower rate.

  • Comments (2)

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    system user
    Cody (moderator)1 decade ago |
    While Fibonacci numbers commonly occur in nature, they are used on occasion as a design element in man-made structures. To see an example of a building that uses the Fibonacci numbers as a design element click here.
    system user
    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
    Fibonacci numbers have interested people for many years. You can read more about this interest by looking up the Fibonacci Association on a search engine.