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5.3 Property Tax

5.3 Property Tax
  • 15. Percentage of Taxes Going to Schools

    The circle graph shows the types of property taxes collected in a state in one year. What percent of the property taxes went to K-12 schools? See Example 5.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      From the circle graph, it appears that about 40% of the property taxes went to K-12 schools.

      You can check this using division.

      So, about 42% of the property taxes went to K-12 schools.

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     `--`      `-----`   `-----`     `-`'    `-` --` 
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  • 16. Military Exemption

    The circle graph shows the types of property taxes collected in a state in one year. Without the military exemption, the state would have collected about 0.06% more in property taxes. Estimate the total military exemption. (See Example 5.)

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    | \  / || | || | ||  | \| ||   / _ \\   |__  //  
    |  \/  || | || | ||  |  ' ||  | / \ ||    / //   
    | .  . || | \\_/ ||  | .  ||  | \_/ ||   / //__  
    |_|\/|_||  \____//   |_|\_||   \___//   /_____|| 
    `-`  `-`    `---`    `-` -`    `---`    `-----`  
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  • 17. Homestead Tax Credit

    The circle graph shows the types of property taxes collected in a state in one year. Without the homestead tax credit, the state would have collected about 2.3% more in property taxes. Estimate the total property taxes that would have been collected without the homestead tax credit. (See Example 5.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      2.3% of $4.3 billion is

      So, without the homestead tax credit, the county could have collected a total of in property taxes.

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    | || | ||   / _ \\  |      \\  \ \\/ //  / ____|| 
    | || | ||  | / \ || |  --  //   \ ` //  / //---`' 
    | \\_/ ||  | \_/ || |  --  \\    | ||   \ \\___   
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      `---`     `---`   `------`     `-`'     `----`  
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  • 18. Veteran Exemption

    In New York, veterans of the following conflicts can receive property tax exemptions on their primary residence, as detailed in the table.

    • Persian Gulf War
    • Vietnam War
    • Korean War
    • World War II
    • World War I
    • Mexican Border Period

    A veteran of the Korean War did not serve in a combat zone and is not disabled. He applies for the military exemption. The assessed value of his Class 1 home is $150,000. How much does he save on property taxes when the tax rate is 85 mills? (See Example 6.)

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    `-----`     `---`   `-`   `-`  `-----`   |_|`-`   
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  • 19. Veteran Exemption

    In New York, veterans of the following conflicts can receive property tax exemptions on their primary residence, as detailed in the table.

    • Persian Gulf War
    • Vietnam War
    • Korean War
    • World War II
    • World War I
    • Mexican Border Period

    A non disabled veteran of the Persian Gulf War who served in a combat zone applies for the military exemption. The assessed value of her Class 2 property is $140,000. How much does she save on property taxes when the tax rate is 32 mills? (See Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      The verteran will save

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     | . \\  |  ___  ||| \\_/ ||  | ||__      | ||   
     |_|\_\\ |_||  |_|| \____//   |_____||    |_||   
     `-` --` `-`   `-`   `---`    `-----`     `-`'   
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  • 20. Solar and Wind Power

    Texas offers a property tax exemption on qualifying wind and solar power energy devices, such as the solar hot water system shown. These devices generally increase the assessed value of a home. This increase is the amount of the exemption. (See Example 6.)

    1. After installation of the hot water system, the assessed value of a home increases by $15,000 to a total of $175,000. How much is the exemption?
    2. The county tax rate is 9 mills. How much does the exemption save the homeowner in county taxes?
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