Monty Hall Game Math & You

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Keep choice: 0 times
   Wins: 0 cars (0%)  
Losses: 0 goats (0%)
Change choice: 0 times
   Wins: 0 cars (0%)  
Losses: 0 goats (0%)
Run times and the choice:
This program is a simulator for the Monty Hall Problem, as described on the Math & You website.

The simulator randomly positions the car and the goats in the three black boxes. To start a run, click on one of the question marks. The simulator will then open a box with a goat in it. If you have chosen the car, the simulator will randomly select one of the two boxes with a goat. Click again when you have decided if you want to keep or change your first choice.

When you have done your second choice the simulator will reveal the content of all boxes and update the statistics to show the results for changing and keeping respectively. A new run will be prepared when you move the cursor out from the photo or if you click again.

You can let the computer run 10, 100 or 1000 runs after each other. Select the number of runs and if choice shall be kept or changed each time and start with the Start button. The simulator will randomly select a box and keep/change the choice after your wish. You can stop the run with the stop-button.

By checking Cheat the boxes will be marked with C and G to show where the Car and the Goats are.

The clear button will reset the statistics to zero.