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2.3 Consumption Taxes

2.3 Consumption Taxes
  • Math Help

    The graph in Example 6 is called a stacked area graph. It shows five sources of tax revenue for the federal government. From bottom to top:

    • Individual income tax
    • Corporate income tax
    • Payroll tax
    • Excise tax
    • Other

    To determine the percent of each tax, you need to estimate the height of its shaded area.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    Have you ever wondered how the government spends our tax money? The largest areas of spending include:

    • Defense and security
    • Social security
    • Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP

    If you'd like more information on government spending, visit the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

  • Checkpoint Solution
    1. The total taxes represented by the circle graph are

      The percent represented by individual income tax is

      This is less than the percent for individual income taxes for the federal government.

    2. The percent represented by corporate income tax is

      This is less than the percent for corporate income taxes for the federal government.

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     _    _      ___      ______    ______    ______  
    | |  | ||   / _ \\   /_   _//  /_   _//  /_   _// 
    | |/\| ||  / //\ \\  `-| |,-    -| ||-   `-| |,-  
    |  /\  || |  ___  ||   | ||     _| ||_     | ||   
    |_// \_|| |_||  |_||   |_||    /_____//    |_||   
    `-`   `-` `-`   `-`    `-`'    `-----`     `-`'   
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    system user
    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
    The graph in Example 6 is called a 100% stacked area graph. You can read more about this and other types of data displays in Section 9.1.