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2.3 Consumption Taxes

2.3 Consumption Taxes
  • Math Help

    In part (a) of Example 4, be sure you understand how the conclusion is made.

    1. From 2006 to 2009, the revenue declined by

      This is a decline of about 15.5%.

    When you talk about a "decline," the comparison should always use the original number as the base.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    Did you know there is an excise tax on gas guzzler vehicles? This tax is imposed on vehicles that get less than 22.5 mpg (miles per gallon) based on a 55% to 45% ratio of city to highway driving.

    For a list of vehicles with the highest fuel economy, visit the Environmental Protection Agency.

  • Checkpoint Solution
    1. The revenue was projected to increase from $62.483 billion to $87.829 billion. This is an increase of

    2. This is a percent increase of

    3. A plan could include an increase in the excise taxes for alcohol, gasoline, cigarettes, and gambling. An appropriate increase in these taxes could raise the necessary tax revenue because people are still going to pay for these items even if the prices increase.

  • Comments (2)

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    system user
    Guest   11 months ago |
    The checkpoint solution for d is incorrect. The answer for c is $25,346,000,000, however, the equation they did in d was $25,246,000,000 / $62483,000,000. Meaning they switched the 3 in the original answer for a 2 in answer d. The actual answer would be 40.6%, if I'm correct.
    system user
    Guest   7 years ago |
    The checkpoint solution for d is incorrect, the difference used in c is not the same number used in d.