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1.1 Order of Operations & Formulas

1.1 Order of Operations & Formulas
  • Math Help

    Notice the similarities between the formulas at the left and the formulas on page 6. Both are of the form

    In such formulas, the only difference is the unit of measure for Amount. Here are some examples.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    Need a job? Check out the United States Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook for information on hundreds of different types of jobs.

    Whatever type of job you're interested in, this site will provide you with:

    • the training and education needed
    • earnings
    • expected job prospects
    • what workers do on the job
    • working conditions
    • and more
  • Checkpoint Solution

    There are 12 months in a year. Your yearly earnings are

    4% of this is $2304. So, your total compensation before sales commission is

    This is more than your guaranteed total compensation in (a) $72,720 and (b) $73,340.

    Here is the summary of the three job offers.

    Total CompensationOtherMaximum Total with Profit Sharing
    $72,720 $ 0 $72,720
    $73,340 $20,000 $93,340
    $74,304 $36,000 $110,304

    So, the third job offer has the greatest potential.

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      ______    _____     _  _    __   __   _____    
     /_   _//  |  ___||  | \| ||  \ \\/ // |  __ \\  
     `-| |,-   | ||__    |  ' ||   \ ` //  | |  \ || 
       | ||    | ||__    | .  ||    | ||   | |__/ || 
       |_||    |_____||  |_|\_||    |_||   |_____//  
       `-`'    `-----`   `-` -`     `-`'    -----`   
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