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2.1 Unit Prices

2.1 Unit Prices
  • Math Help

    Be sure you understand the overall strategy in the solution for Example 6.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    If you would like to save money by eating in, but don't know how to cook, here are tips for campus cooking to get you started. Once you've got the fundamentals down, you can search for recipes or check out some popular cookbooks on Amazon.

  • Checkpoint Solution
    1. The cost of the ingredients is

      The unit price per serving of spaghetti is

    2. The cost of 4 restaurant spaghetti meals at $7.95 each is

      So, it would cost more to buy 4 spaghetti dinners at a restaurant than to make them at home.

      On average, Americans eat out between 4 and 5 times a week. The point of this example is that eating out costs significantly more than buying raw materials, cooking yourself, and eating at home.

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