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10.4 Outdoor Sports

10.4 Outdoor Sports
  • Math Help

    The summary in Example 4 is from this article at The following illustration shows an example of "tacking," with the boat sailing from left to right, into the wind.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    If you think traveling the world sounds like a good way to make a living then check out This site offers advice on what to expect when working on a yacht, how to get a job on a yacht, and what it's like living on a yacht. The site also allows you to post your resume and search available jobs.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    Sample answer:

    The sailboat's weight pulls the ship downward and the sailboat's buoyancy pushes the ship upward with equal force. If the sailboat is tilted, the center of buoyancy will move sideways and the buoyant force will push upward to return the ship to its original position.

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