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10.4 Outdoor Sports

10.4 Outdoor Sports
  • Math Help

    Grade refers to the amount of inclination of a road, trail, railroad track, or other surface (see figure). In some instances, you might see grade called slope or incline. Slope can be calculated using the ratio

    Grade is usually listed as a percent. For instance,

    Note that the horizontal axis in Example 1 shows each grade as a decimal. As a percent, each grade would be (from left to right)

    -60%, -40%, -20%, 0%, 20%, 40%, and 60%.

    Notice the following about grade.

    • A negative grade is "downhill."
    • A positive grade is "uphill."
    • A zero grade is "level."
    • "Large" numbers, such as -60% or 40%, represent grades that are steeper than "smaller" numbers, such as -30% or 20%.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    If you like to hike, or plan on hiking in the future, you might want to check out, where you can find plenty of useful information about hiking. The site has a wealth of features, including a list of top hiking destinations, a survival guide, and photos from numerous hiking spots.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    The two speeds fall within the range of the speeds shown in the scatter plot.

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