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10.2 The Olympics

10.2 The Olympics
  • Math Help

    Before calculating the distance points in the solution to Example 6, note that

    • 60 points are awarded for reaching the K-point.
    • 1.8 points are awarded for each meter beyond the K-point (or deducted when the jump is short of the K-point).

    The distance of the jump is 125 meters. Because the K-point is at 120 meters, the distance points are calculated as shown.

    According to the International Ski Federation, here are some rules governing the panel of judges for a ski jumping competition.

    • Judges are expected to prepare for competitions with on-hill practice during the skiing season.
    • Judges shall evaluate each jumper objectively and in an unprejudiced manner.
    • Judges shall be familiar with all aspects of the jumping hill.
  • Consumer Suggestion

    If you're interested in learning more about ski jumping check out Ski Jumping USA, which features information about upcoming tournaments, a list of regional ski jumping clubs, and videos of past tournaments.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    Enter the data into a spreadsheet and make a scatter plot.

    From 1932 through 1992, the scores were mostly between 220 and 240. From 1994 onward, the scores were higher than 270.

  • Comments (1)

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    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
    When you look at the unusual pattern for records in ski jumping, remember that these events took place at different structures. Moreover, the snow conditions at the structures differed.