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Chapter 9 Review Exercises

Chapter 9 Review Exercises
  • 9. Historical Average Unemployment Rate

    Using a spreadsheet and the line graph shown, what are the mean, median, and mode of the data presented in the line graph?

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Using a spreadsheet, you can find the mean, median, and mode of the data in the line graph.

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  • 10. Choosing the Best Measure of Central Tendency for Historical Unemployment Rates

    Using a spreadsheet and the line graph shown, which measure of central tendency best describes the average of the data? Explain your reasoning.

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                 ___      ____       ___      ______  
        ___     / _ \\   |  _ \\    / _ \\   /_   _// 
       /   ||  | / \ ||  | |_| ||  | / \ ||  `-| |,-  
      | [] ||  | \_/ ||  | .  //   | \_/ ||    | ||   
       \__ ||   \___//   |_|\_\\    \___//     |_||   
        -|_||   `---`    `-` --`    `---`      `-`'   
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  • 11. Historical Unemployment Rate Outliers

    Which two data values in the line graph are outliers?

    • Worked-Out Solution

      From the graph, you can see that the values of 9.3% in 2009 and 9.6% in 2010 are outliers because they are significantly greater than the other values in the graph.

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     __   _    _    _     _  __     ___              
    | || | || | || | ||  | |/ //   / _ \\    ____    
    | '--' || | || | ||  | ' //   | / \ ||  |    \\  
    | .--. || | \\_/ ||  | . \\   | \_/ ||  | [] ||  
    |_|| |_||  \____//   |_|\_\\   \___//   |  __//  
    `-`  `-`    `---`    `-` --`   `---`    |_|`-`   
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  • 12. Determining the Effects of Outliers in Historical Unemployment Rates

    Using a spreadsheet and the line graph shown, do the outliers have a greater effect on the mean or the median? Explain your reasoning.

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     _____     __   __    ______   _    _      _____  
    |  __ \\   \ \\/ //  /_   _// | || | ||   / ___// 
    | |  \ ||   \ ` //     | ||   | || | ||   \___ \\ 
    | |__/ ||    | ||     _| ||   | \\_/ ||   /    // 
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     -----`      `-`'    `--`       `---`   `-----`   
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  • 13. Using a Box-and-Whisker Plot to Analyze Historical Unemployment Rates

    Use the box-and-whisker plot to analyze the unemployment rates.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Here are some observations you can make about the historical unemployment rates.

      • About 25% of the data is between 4.0% and 4.7%.
      • About 25% of the data is between 4.7% and 5.6%.
      • About 25% of the data is between 5.6% and 6.3%.
      • About 25% of the data is between 6.3% and 9.6%.
      • The highest 25% of the data has the greatest range. The other 3 quarters have similar ranges.
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     /____//     |_||    `__ `     |_____||    \//    
    `-----`      `-`'    /_//      `-----`      `     
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  • 14. Interpreting Historical Unemployment Rates from a Histogram

    Explain whether the following statement is supported by the histogram: "The unemployment rate during most years is between 4.0% and 7.0%."

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                 ___     ______      ___      _  __  
        ___     / _ \\  |      \\   / _ \\   | |/ // 
       /   ||  / //\ \\ |  --  //  | / \ ||  | ' //  
      | [] || |  ___  |||  --  \\  | \_/ ||  | . \\  
       \__ || |_||  |_|||______//   \___//   |_|\_\\ 
        -|_|| `-`   `-` `------`    `---`    `-` --` 
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