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9.4 Describing by Sampling

9.4 Describing by Sampling
  • Math Help

    Here are some other reasons that a sample may not be representative of a population.

    • Underrepresentation: Underrepresentation occurs when some parts of the population are left out of the process of choosing the sample.
    • Lack of response: This occurs when people who are contacted for a survey can't be reached or refuse to respond.
    • Misrepresentation: This occurs when survey participants give dishonest replies. For instance, many people will say they voted in the last election, even though they didn't.
  • Consumer Suggestion

    Gallup public opinion polls have a reputation as reliable and objective because of the high number of people polled from a random sample. This organization’s polls are often referenced in the media. You can visit to see current polls on topics in politics, the economy, well-being, and the world.

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    Sample answer:

    Here are some other reasons that a poll may go wrong.

    • A significant number of people being polled may intentionally lie to the pollster.
    • An Internet survey will not reach anyone who does not use a computer. For instance, an online survey that asks "Have you ever used the Internet?" should have a 100% response rate of "yes," but it is not true that 100% of the population has used the Internet.
    • If a poll is being done by mail-in survey, a subpopulation that feels more strongly about an issue may be more likely to respond and may overrepresent itself. For instance, consider a local election for mayor in which a fervent grassroots minority responds strongly to a mail-in poll from the newspaper asking voters which candidate they will support. Even though the poll shows that the grassroots candidate will win by 58%, he only gets 40% of the vote and loses because the other candidate's supporters did not feel as strongly about mailing in their surveys.
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