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9.3 Describing Dispersion

9.3 Describing Dispersion
  • Math Help

    Here are some more findings from the National Association for Law Placement report.

    • 14% of salaries were between $135,000 and $145,000.
    • 42% of salaries were $55,000 or less.
    • Here are the median salaries for several of the job categories.
      • Private practice: $95,000
      • Judicial clerks: $46,500
      • Public interest: $40,000
    • About 14% are looking for another job.
  • Consumer Suggestion

    The US News and World Report ranks and researches careers, schools, vacation spots, cities, institutions, hospitals, and more. The listings are available on the magazine's website.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    The histogram would display a greater dispersion than either of the two individual histograms. If you notice multiple peaks in a histogram, the peaks may represent several subpopulations with values that cluster around a certain value.

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