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9.2 Describing "Average"

9.2 Describing "Average"
  • Math Help

    Note that you can use the Histogram Generator located in Tools to make histograms.

    As you saw in Example 3, the median weight of the Chicago Bears is about 233 pounds, as shown in the figure below (from Example 4). In the United States, the median weight of males ages 20-29 is about 175 to 180 pounds. The median weight of males ages 30-39 is about 190 pounds.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    Did you know that most digital cameras have a built-in histogram that helps you see the color range of a particular image? To learn how to best utilize your camera's histogram feature and improve the quality of your pictures, visit Digital Photography School.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    Sample answer:

    The histograms are similar to the two in Example 4.

    • The weights of the Dallas Cowboys are distributed similarly to the weights of the Chicago Bears. For instance, wide receivers are on the far left, linebackers are in the middle, and tackles, guards, and centers are on the far right.
    • The weights of the Arizona Diamondbacks are distributed similarly to the weights of the Los Angeles Angels. For instance, there is a wide range of pitcher weights.
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