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9.1 Information Design

9.1 Information Design
  • Math Help

    You can watch the "Wealth and Health of Nations" change at Here are some observations about the animation.

    • The countries on the graph are color-coded by continent.
    • You can hover the mouse pointer over a bubble to reveal the name of the country. When you do this, the life expectancy, income per person, and population will be highlighted.
    • You can follow a particular country by clicking its bubble, or by selecting it from the list. (You can also select multiple countries to follow.)

    For more information, read the Gapminder world guide.

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  • Checkpoint Solution

    The four most eye-catching periods in the animation are 1949-1958, 1958-1961, 1961-1978, and 1978-present. The following table summarizes the behavior of China's dot during those pivotal time periods and the reasons why China's dot behaved as it did.

  • Comments (1)

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    system user
    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
    This is one of the most awesome uses of information design I have ever seen. When I first watched it, I was fascinated by the movement of the red circle representing China. The upheavals in China's history are dramatically shown by the movements of the red circle.