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Chapter 8 Review Exercises

Chapter 8 Review Exercises
  • 1. Describing Likelihood

    The table shows the probabilities of several events. Complete the table. Then describe the likelihood of each event in words.

    • Worked-Out Solution

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      ______    ______              _____    _    _   
     /_   _//  /_   _//     ___    |  ___|| | || | || 
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       | ||     _| ||_    | [] ||  | ||__   | \\_/ || 
       |_||    /_____//    \__ ||  |_____||  \____//  
       `-`'    `-----`      -|_||  `-----`    `---`   
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  • 2. Snowfall in Olympia

    Describe the likelihood that at least 1 inch of snow will accumulate in Olympia.

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      _____     ______    ______     ___      ____    
     |__  //   /_   _//  /_____//   / _ \\   |  _ \\  
       / //     -| ||-   `____ `   / //\ \\  | |_| || 
      / //__    _| ||_   /___//   |  ___  || | .  //  
     /_____||  /_____//  `__ `    |_||  |_|| |_|\_\\  
     `-----`   `-----`   /_//     `-`   `-`  `-` --`  
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  • 3. Snowfall in Packwood

    Describe the likelihood that at least 1 inch of snow will accumulate in Packwood.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      There is a 95% probability that at least 1 inch of snow will accumulate in Packwood.

      Packwood is named after William Packwood, an explorer of Oregon and Washington. Packwood and James Longmire were assigned by the Washington Territorial Legislature to chart a low pass over the Cascade Mountains. The charted pass, called the Packwood Saddle, has never been used for a road or trail between the east and west sides of the Cascades.

      View of Mt. Rainier from a section of the Pacific Crest Trail in the Central Cascade Moutain range

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      _____    __   __   _    _     ______   __   __  
     /  ___||  \ \\/ // | || | ||  /_   _//  \ \\/ // 
    | // __     \ ` //  | || | ||   -| ||-    \   //  
    | \\_\ ||    | ||   | \\_/ ||   _| ||_    / . \\  
     \____//     |_||    \____//   /_____//  /_//\_\\ 
      `---`      `-`'     `---`    `-----`   `-`  --` 
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  • 4. Snowfall in Richland

    Describe the likelihood that at least 1 inch of snow will accumulate in Richland.

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      ____     __   __     _____   _    _     ______  
     |  _ \\   \ \\/ //   / ___// | || | ||  /_   _// 
     | |_| ||   \ ` //    \___ \\ | || | ||  `-| |,-  
     | .  //     | ||     /    // | \\_/ ||    | ||   
     |_|\_\\     |_||    /____//   \____//     |_||   
     `-` --`     `-`'   `-----`     `---`      `-`'   
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  • 5. Snowfall in Seattle

    Describe the likelihood that at least 1 inch of snow will accumulate in Seattle.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      There is a 35% probability that at least 1 inch of snow will accumulate in Seattle.

      Seattle is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest. It is named after Chief Sealth "Seattle," of the Duwamish and Suquamish tribes. The population of the metropolitan area is about 3.4 million.

      Seattle skyline with Mt. Rainier

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      ______   _    _               ______    ____    
     /_   _// | || | ||     ___    /_   _//  |  _ \\  
       | ||   | || | ||    /   ||   -| ||-   | |_| || 
      _| ||   | \\_/ ||   | [] ||   _| ||_   | .  //  
     /__//     \____//     \__ ||  /_____//  |_|\_\\  
     `--`       `---`       -|_||  `-----`   `-` --`  
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  • 6. Causes of Death

    The graph shows the death rate per 100,000 people in the United States for several causes. Compare the rates for the causes of death.

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       _____    ______   __   _      ___       _____  
      / ___//  /_   _// | || | ||   / _ \\    / ___// 
      \___ \\   -| ||-  | '--' ||  / //\ \\   \___ \\ 
      /    //   _| ||_  | .--. || |  ___  ||  /    // 
     /____//   /_____// |_|| |_|| |_||  |_|| /____//  
    `-----`    `-----`  `-`  `-`  `-`   `-` `-----`   
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