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7.3–7.4 Quiz

7.3–7.4 Quiz
  • 1. Heart Rate Recovery

    Heart rate recovery is the reduction in heart rate from the rate at peak exercise to the rate 1 minute after the exercise has stopped. It can be used as a predictor of mortality. Heart rate is measured in beats per minute (bpm). The table shows the relative risk of death for various heart rate recoveries.

    Describe the pattern of relative risk of death.

    data folder

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Use a spreadsheet to analyze the data.

      data folder

      Because the second differences are equal, the pattern is quadratic.

      Notice that, during the minute following exercise, if your heart rate recovers only a little, then your risk of death is greater than if your heart rate recovers a lot.

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    __    __    _____    _    _      ___     _    _   
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      \  //    | ||__   |  /\  ||  | \_/ || |  /\  || 
       \//     |_____|| |_// \_||   \___//  |_// \_|| 
        `      `-----`  `-`   `-`   `---`   `-`   `-` 
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  • 2. Heart Rate Recovery

    Heart rate recovery is the reduction in heart rate from the rate at peak exercise to the rate 1 minute after the exercise has stopped. It can be used as a predictor of mortality. Heart rate is measured in beats per minute (bpm). The table shows the relative risk of death for various heart rate recoveries.

    Extend the pattern to find the relative risk of death when the heart rate recovery is 22 beats per minute.

    data folder

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    __    __    _____     ______     ___    __    __  
    \ \\ / //  |  ___||  /_   _//   / _ \\  \ \\ / // 
     \ \/ //   | ||__    `-| |,-   / //\ \\  \ \/ //  
      \  //    | ||__      | ||   |  ___  ||  \  //   
       \//     |_____||    |_||   |_||  |_||   \//    
        `      `-----`     `-`'   `-`   `-`     `     
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  • 3. Heart Rate Recovery

    Heart rate recovery is the reduction in heart rate from the rate at peak exercise to the rate 1 minute after the exercise has stopped. It can be used as a predictor of mortality. Heart rate is measured in beats per minute (bpm). The table shows the relative risk of death for various heart rate recoveries.

    Use a spreadsheet to graph the data. Describe the graph.

    data folder

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Use a spreadsheet to analyze and graph the data.

      data folder

      The graph is half of a U-shaped curve decreasing from left to right. This curve is parabolic.

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     __   _    __   __             _    _    ______   
    | || | ||  \ \\/ //   ____    | || | || |      \\ 
    | '--' ||   \ ` //   |    \\  | || | || |  --  // 
    | .--. ||    | ||    | [] ||  | \\_/ || |  --  \\ 
    |_|| |_||    |_||    |  __//   \____//  |______// 
    `-`  `-`     `-`'    |_|`-`     `---`   `------`  
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  • 4. Golden Heartbeat

    The main components of an electrocardiogram (EKG) are the P wave, the electrical activity in the atria; the QRS complex, the electrical activity in the ventricles; and the T wave, the electrical recovery of the ventricles. The electrocardiograms of human heartbeats vary considerably depending on a variety of factors.

    Some people believe that a peaceful heartbeat produces a rhythm related to the golden ratio. Use the EKG to describe how a peaceful heartbeat is related to the golden ratio.

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      ______    ______    ______    ______   _    _   
     /_____//  /_   _//  /_   _//  /_   _// | || | || 
     `____ `    -| ||-     | ||     -| ||-  | || | || 
     /___//     _| ||_    _| ||     _| ||_  | \\_/ || 
     `__ `     /_____//  /__//     /_____//  \____//  
     /_//      `-----`   `--`      `-----`    `---`   
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  • 5. Golden Heartbeat

    The main components of an electrocardiogram (EKG) are the P wave, the electrical activity in the atria; the QRS complex, the electrical activity in the ventricles; and the T wave, the electrical recovery of the ventricles. The electrocardiograms of human heartbeats vary considerably depending on a variety of factors.

    The table shows the approximate ratio of each successive pair of Fibonacci numbers. Graph the ratios. Identify any similarities to the EKG.

    data folder

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Use a spreadsheet to graph the ratios.

      data folder

      This graph resembles the tail end of the QRS complex shown on the EKG.

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      _____     _____     _____      ___     _____    
     |__  //   |  ___||  /  ___||   / _ \\  |  __ \\  
       / //    | ||__   | // __    | / \ || | |  \ || 
      / //__   | ||__   | \\_\ ||  | \_/ || | |__/ || 
     /_____||  |_____||  \____//    \___//  |_____//  
     `-----`   `-----`    `---`     `---`    -----`   
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  • 6. Blood Pressure

    The main components of an electrocardiogram (EKG) are the P wave, the electrical activity in the atria; the QRS complex, the electrical activity in the ventricles; and the T wave, the electrical recovery of the ventricles. The electrocardiograms of human heartbeats vary considerably depending on a variety of factors.

    Use the Internet to describe how blood pressure is related to the golden ratio.

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     \____//    \___//   \____//     |_||    `__ `    
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