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1.4 Units & Conversions

1.4 Units & Conversions
  • Math Help

    Be sure you understand the unit analysis rules on page 34. Here is an example.

    Consider a rectangle that is 3 feet high and 4 feet wide.

    • The perimeter of the rectangle is

      3 ft + 4 ft + 3 ft + 4 ft = 14 ft : Addition preserves units
    • The area of the rectangle is

      (4 ft) times (3 ft) = 12 ft squared : Multiplication changes units
  • Consumer Suggestion

    Did you know that attorneys are some of the highest paid people in the United States? Have you ever wondered why attorneys charge their clients so much? Use a search engine to search for "why do attorneys charge so much?"

    If you have a legal problem, follow these steps at to help find an excellent lawyer.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    Notice how writing the units helps keep track of the calculations.

    See that "weeks" and "hours" cancel out and you are left with "dollars."

    Although the result may seem unreasonable, you can check the history of some famous cases to see that litigation bills can run up to several million dollars.

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      _____     _____    __   _     ______   __   _   
     / ____||  |  ___|| | || | ||  /_   _// | || | || 
    / //---`'  | ||__   | '--' ||   -| ||-  | '--' || 
    \ \\___    | ||__   | .--. ||   _| ||_  | .--. || 
     \_____||  |_____|| |_|| |_||  /_____// |_|| |_|| 
      `----`   `-----`  `-`  `-`   `-----`  `-`  `-`  
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    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
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