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7.3 Quadratic Patterns

7.3 Quadratic Patterns
  • Math Help

    The graph of the curve in Example 2(b) is parabolic and is called a parabola. In general, parabolas are U-shaped graphs, as shown in the figures. When graphing a model based on real-life data, you might only see part of the "U."

  • Consumer Suggestion

    Oil isn't the only thing that pollutes the oceans. Litter, fishing line, and other debris also cause problems for marine life. To find out how you can help, visit

  • Checkpoint Solution

    Use a spreadsheet to make a scatter plot and column graph.

    Sample answer:

    I think the scatter plot shows the data the best because it makes it easier to visualize the relationship between the size of the oil spill and the number of days. Also it's easier to imagine a curve fitting those data points and using it to predict future data.

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