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7.1 Linear Patterns

7.1 Linear Patterns
  • Math Help

    In Example 4, be sure you understand that the table shows the distance (in miles) the Canada Geese have traveled since February 10th. So, on April 30th, the Canada Geese have traveled 1200 miles since February 10th.

    To learn more about Canada Geese, visit The Cornell Lab of Ornithology website, All About Birds.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    Did you know that salmon also migrate? They eventually migrate to the location of their birth and can live in both freshwater and seawater. To learn more about these interesting fish, visit Environmental Graffiti.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    Use the Chapter 1 (page 6) formula, where t is time, d is distance and r is rate.

    It takes the gray whale 1500 hours, or about 2 months to journey from Baja California, Mexico, to the Bering Sea.

  • Comments (1)

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      _____      ___       _____     ___     _    _   
     / ____||   / _ \\    / ___//   / _ \\  | |  | || 
    / //---`'  | / \ ||   \___ \\  / //\ \\ | |/\| || 
    \ \\___    | \_/ ||   /    // |  ___  |||  /\  || 
     \_____||   \___//   /____//  |_||  |_|||_// \_|| 
      `----`    `---`   `-----`   `-`   `-` `-`   `-` 
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    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
    I have noticed on our farm in northwest Pennsylvania, that many Canada geese do not follow the entire migration route north. We have 3 or 4 pair that stop and nest on our farm and spend the summer there.