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5.4 Social Security & Payroll Taxes

5.4 Social Security & Payroll Taxes
  • 13. Explaining Projected Dependency Ratios

    The economic dependency ratio is also called the total dependency ratio which consists of old-age dependency and youth dependency, as shown in the bar graph. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in 1935, the United States had a total dependency ratio of 74. Of this, 63 was attributed to youth dependency and 11 to old-age dependency.

    Why is the total dependency ratio projected to increase from 66 in 2010 to 82 in 2050? (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      One possible reason for the total dependency ratio to increase is that people are projected to live longer.

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  • 14. Describing the Change in Dependency Ratios

    The economic dependency ratio is also called the total dependency ratio which consists of old-age dependency and youth dependency, as shown in the bar graph. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in 1935, the United States had a total dependency ratio of 74. Of this, 63 was attributed to youth dependency and 11 to old-age dependency.

    Use percent of increase to describe the change in the old-age dependency ratio from 2010 to 2030. (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

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  • 15. Dependency Ratios Using the Bar Graph

    The economic dependency ratio is also called the total dependency ratio which consists of old-age dependency and youth dependency, as shown in the bar graph. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in 1935, the United States had a total dependency ratio of 74. Of this, 63 was attributed to youth dependency and 11 to old-age dependency.

    What does the bar graph imply about the working-age population from 2010 to 2050? (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      The number of young people is remaining relatively constant. So, the number of working-age people will also be remaining relatively constant.

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    |  __ \\  | || | || | || | ||   / _ \\   / ____|| 
    | |  \ || | || | || | '--' ||  / //\ \\ / //---`' 
    | |__/ || | \\_/ || | .--. || |  ___  ||\ \\___   
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     -----`     `---`   `-`  `-`  `-`   `-`   `----`  
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  • 16. Effects of Rising Dependency Ratios

    The economic dependency ratio is also called the total dependency ratio which consists of old-age dependency and youth dependency, as shown in the bar graph. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in 1935, the United States had a total dependency ratio of 74. Of this, 63 was attributed to youth dependency and 11 to old-age dependency.

    What effects do a rising economic dependency ratio have on a government? Explain your reasoning. (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

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      _  __    ______    ______   _    _    _____    
     | |/ //  /_   _//  /_   _// | || | || |  __ \\  
     | ' //    -| ||-   `-| |,-  | || | || | |  \ || 
     | . \\    _| ||_     | ||   | \\_/ || | |__/ || 
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     `-` --`  `-----`     `-`'     `---`    -----`   
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  • 17. Analyzing Dependency Ratios

    The economic dependency ratio is also called the total dependency ratio which consists of old-age dependency and youth dependency, as shown in the bar graph. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in 1935, the United States had a total dependency ratio of 74. Of this, 63 was attributed to youth dependency and 11 to old-age dependency.

    The total dependency ratio in 1965 was 95, with a youth dependency of 77 and an old-age dependency of 18. Would the financial burden on the Social Security system be greater in 1965 or 2050? Explain your reasoning. (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      There will be a much greater burden on Social Security in 2050 than there was in 1965. The primary reason is that in 1965 there were more workers to support each retired person.

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        ___     / _ \\  \ \\ / //  /_   _// |  __ \\  
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      | [] ||  | \_/ ||   \  //     _| ||_  | |__/ || 
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        -|_||   `---`       `      `-----`   -----`   
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  • 18. Fixing the Social Security System

    The economic dependency ratio is also called the total dependency ratio which consists of old-age dependency and youth dependency, as shown in the bar graph. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in 1935, the United States had a total dependency ratio of 74. Of this, 63 was attributed to youth dependency and 11 to old-age dependency.

    Suppose you are a legislator. How would you propose to fix the imminent financial challenges of the Social Security system? (See Example 5 and Example 6.)

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    \ \\ / //  \ \\/ //  |  _ \\    / _ \\   / ____|| 
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