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5.1 Flat Tax & Political Philosophy

5.1 Flat Tax & Political Philosophy
  • 17. Hawaii's General Excise Tax

    The state of Hawaii does not have a sales tax. Instead, it has a general excise tax. Unlike a sales tax, the general excise tax applies to businesses, not customers. Hawaii taxes retailers at a rate of 4% on gross income from business transactions.

    Complete the diagram. Explain your reasoning. (See Example 5.)

    • Worked-Out Solution
      1. The original price per lei is $15.
      2. The retailer adds $15 per lei for a price of $30 per lei.
      3. The retailer adds 4.166% to the price of each lei.

      4.The customer pays $31.25 per lei. Of this, $1.25 is the general excise tax.

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  • 18. Hawaii's General Excise Tax

    The state of Hawaii does not have a sales tax. Instead, it has a general excise tax. Unlike a sales tax, the general excise tax applies to businesses, not customers. Hawaii taxes retailers at a rate of 4% on gross income from business transactions.

    Complete the diagram. Explain your reasoning. (See Example 5.)

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  • 19. Hawaii's General Excise Tax

    The state of Hawaii does not have a sales tax. Instead, it has a general excise tax. Unlike a sales tax, the general excise tax applies to businesses, not customers. Hawaii taxes retailers at a rate of 4% on gross income from business transactions.

    A retailer purchases $150 worth of food. Draw a diagram showing a chain of events that could occur. Is the tax regressive, flat, or progressive? Explain. (See Example 5.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Here is one possible chain of events.

      1. The original price of the food is $150.
      2. To cover expenses and make a profit, the retailer doubles the price.
      3. The retailer adds 4.166% to the price.

      4.The customer pays $312.50 for the food. Of this, $12.50 is due to the general excise tax.

      This is a regressive tax.

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     `-----`    `---`    /_//        `-`'       `     
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  • 20. Hawaii's General Excise Tax

    The state of Hawaii does not have a sales tax. Instead, it has a general excise tax. Unlike a sales tax, the general excise tax applies to businesses, not customers. Hawaii taxes retailers at a rate of 4% on gross income from business transactions.

    A retailer purchases $70 worth of medicine. Draw a diagram showing a chain of events that could occur. Is the tax regressive, flat, or progressive? Explain. (See Example 5.)

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      ____      ______    _  __     ___     _____    
     |  _ \\   /_   _//  | |/ //   / _ \\  |  __ \\  
     | |_| ||   -| ||-   | ' //   | / \ || | |  \ || 
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     `-` --`   `-----`   `-` --`   `---`    -----`   
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  • 21. Hawaii's General Excise Tax

    A business passes on the general excise tax to the consumer as a charge that is a percent of the retail price. The charge is also subject to the general excise tax. The business cannot charge more than 4.166% of the retail price because consumer protection laws prohibit businesses from passing on an amount that exceeds the general excise tax on a transaction. Explain why the percent is 4.166%, not 4%. (See Example 5.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      The retail price of an item is composed of 3 parts.

      The problem is that the state requires a general excise tax of 4% on the entire retail price. Let's look at an example.

      The general excise tax is

      So, by charging only 4% of $40, the retailer did not charge enough to cover what it has to pay in general excise tax, which is $1.66. To compensate for this, retailers are allowed to add 4.166% of their marked-up price.

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  • 22. Oahu Surcharge

    The island of Oahu adds an extra 0.5% surcharge to the general excise tax to fund its mass transit system. Discuss ways in which the tax might help the people who are paying it. (See Example 6.)

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