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5.1 Flat Tax & Political Philosophy

5.1 Flat Tax & Political Philosophy
  • 1. Indiana Income Tax

    Determine how much state income tax the person owes. (See Example 1.)

    A person who lives in Indiana has a taxable income of $49,000.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Line 7 on the state income tax form is $49,000.

      The state income tax is 3.4% of Line 7.

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     _    _     ______    _  _      ___              
    | || | ||  /_   _//  | \| ||   / _ \\      ___   
    | || | ||   -| ||-   |  ' ||  / //\ \\    /   || 
    | \\_/ ||   _| ||_   | .  || |  ___  ||  | [] || 
     \____//   /_____//  |_|\_|| |_||  |_||   \__ || 
      `---`    `-----`   `-` -`  `-`   `-`     -|_|| 
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  • 2. Indiana Income Tax

    Determine how much state income tax the person owes. (See Example 1.)

    A person who lives in Indiana has a taxable income of $2,500,000.

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    __    __     ___     ______     _____     _____   
    \ \\ / //   / _ \\  |      \\  |  ___||  |__  //  
     \ \/ //   / //\ \\ |  --  //  | ||__      / //   
      \  //   |  ___  |||  --  \\  | ||__     / //__  
       \//    |_||  |_|||______//  |_____||  /_____|| 
        `     `-`   `-` `------`   `-----`   `-----`  
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  • 3. Michigan Income Tax

    Determine how much state income tax the person owes. (See Example 1.)

    A person who lives in Michigan has a taxable income of $25,000.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Line 16 on the state income tax form is $25,000.

      The state income tax is 4.35% of Line 16.

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     ______    _    _     _____    __   __    ______  
    |      \\ | || | ||  /  ___||  \ \\/ //  /_   _// 
    |  --  // | || | || | // __     \ ` //   `-| |,-  
    |  --  \\ | \\_/ || | \\_\ ||    | ||      | ||   
    |______//  \____//   \____//     |_||      |_||   
    `------`    `---`     `---`      `-`'      `-`'   
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  • 4. Michigan Income Tax

    Determine how much state income tax the person owes. (See Example 1.)

    A person who lives in Michigan has a taxable income of $60,000.

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      ______   _    _    _    _     ______    ______  
     /_   _// | || | || | \  / ||  /_   _//  /_____// 
       | ||   | || | || |  \/  ||   -| ||-   `____ `  
      _| ||   | \\_/ || | .  . ||   _| ||_   /___//   
     /__//     \____//  |_|\/|_||  /_____//  `__ `    
     `--`       `---`   `-`  `-`   `-----`   /_//     
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  • 5. Taxable Income

    Use the Internet to determine whether the income is taxable by the federal government. (See Example 2.)

    $100 gift card you receive from your parents

    • Worked-Out Solution

      According to current IRS tax regulations, taxpayers are allowed to give and receive small amounts without paying tax. Therefore, the $100 is not taxable.

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      ______     ___      _____    __   __    _  __  
     /_   _//   / _ \\   /  ___||  \ \\/ //  | |/ // 
       | ||    / //\ \\ | // __     \ ` //   | ' //  
      _| ||   |  ___  ||| \\_\ ||    | ||    | . \\  
     /__//    |_||  |_|| \____//     |_||    |_|\_\\ 
     `--`     `-`   `-`   `---`      `-`'    `-` --` 
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  • 6. Taxable Income

    Use the Internet to determine whether the income is taxable by the federal government. (See Example 2.)

    $2000 per year scholarship you receive for college tuition

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     __   __    _____    __   __   _    _     ______  
     \ \\/ //  |  ___||  \ \\/ // | || | ||  /_   _// 
      \   //   | ||__     \   //  | || | ||  `-| |,-  
      / . \\   | ||__     / . \\  | \\_/ ||    | ||   
     /_//\_\\  |_____||  /_//\_\\  \____//     |_||   
     `-`  --`  `-----`   `-`  --`   `---`      `-`'   
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    system user
    Guest   9 months ago |
  • 7. Taxable Income

    Use the Internet to determine whether the income is taxable by the federal government. (See Example 2.)

    $ 250 bonus you receive from your employer

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Any bonuses or awards received by an employer are taxable. This also applies to noncash prizes such as vacations or other goods and services.

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      ____     _    _     _____      ___     __   _   
     |  _ \\  | || | ||  /  ___||   / _ \\  | || | || 
     | |_| || | || | || | // __    | / \ || | '--' || 
     | .  //  | \\_/ || | \\_\ ||  | \_/ || | .--. || 
     |_|\_\\   \____//   \____//    \___//  |_|| |_|| 
     `-` --`    `---`     `---`     `---`   `-`  `-`  
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  • 8. Taxable Income

    Use the Internet to determine whether the income is taxable by the federal government. (See Example 2.)

    $5000 prize you receive from a game show

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               _    _      _____    _____   __    __  
      ____    | || | ||   / ___//  |  ___|| \ \\ / // 
     |    \\  | || | ||   \___ \\  | ||__    \ \/ //  
     | [] ||  | \\_/ ||   /    //  | ||__     \  //   
     |  __//   \____//   /____//   |_____||    \//    
     |_|`-`     `---`   `-----`    `-----`      `     
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