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1.2 Rounding & Calculators

1.2 Rounding & Calculators
  • 9. Classifying Plankton by their Size

    Write the length of a copepod plankton in exponential form. Then use the chart to classify the plankton. (See Example 3 and Example 4.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      In exponential form, the length of a copepod plankton is

      0.0012 meter = 1.2 x 10 raised to the -3 meter

      This length falls between 2 x 10 raised to the -4 and 2 x 10 raised to the -3 So, copepod plankton are classified as meso-plankton.

      Comparing Numbers in Exponential Form

      See that 1.2 x 10 raised to the -3 lies between 2 x 10 raised to the -4 and 2 x 10 raised to the -3 write all three in decimal form.

      0.0002 < 0.0012 < 0.0020

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      _____      ___      ____     __   __    ______  
     / ____||   / _ \\   |  _ \\   \ \\/ //  /_____// 
    / //---`'  / //\ \\  | |_| ||   \ ` //   `____ `  
    \ \\___   |  ___  || | .  //     | ||    /___//   
     \_____|| |_||  |_|| |_|\_\\     |_||    `__ `    
      `----`  `-`   `-`  `-` --`     `-`'    /_//     
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    system user
    Guest   2 years ago |
    0.0002 < 0.0012 < 0.0020
  • 10. Classifying Plankton by their Size

    Write the length of the golden algae in exponential notation. Then use the chart to classify the plankton. (See Example 3 and Example 4.)

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      _____     _____    ______     ______            
     / ____||  |  ___|| |      \\  /_   _//   ____    
    / //---`'  | ||__   |  --  //   -| ||-   |    \\  
    \ \\___    | ||__   |  --  \\   _| ||_   | [] ||  
     \_____||  |_____|| |______//  /_____//  |  __//  
      `----`   `-----`  `------`   `-----`   |_|`-`   
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  • 11. Classifying Marine Viruses by their Size

    Marine viruses are a type of plankton. The length of a marine virus is less than 2.0 × 10−7 meter. Write this number in standard decimal notation and describe it in words. Use the chart to classify the virus.(See Example 3 and Example 4.)

    • Worked-Out Solution

      In decimal form, the length of a marine virus is

      2 x 10 raised to the -7 = 0.0000002 meter

      This implies that marine viruses are classified as femto-planton.

      On average, a drop of seawater contains about 10 million virus particles. Most of the viruses only infect bacteria, and are harmless to plants and animals.

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               __   __    _____     ______            
      ____     \ \\/ //  / ____||  /_   _//   ____    
     |    \\    \ ` //  / //---`'   -| ||-   |    \\  
     | [] ||     | ||   \ \\___     _| ||_   | [] ||  
     |  __//     |_||    \_____||  /_____//  |  __//  
     |_|`-`      `-`'     `----`   `-----`   |_|`-`   
     `-`                                     `-`      
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  • 12. Amount of Plankton to Feed a Whale

    A blue whale eats about 5000 pounds of plankton per day during a 120-day feeding period. How many pounds of plankton does the whale eat in one feeding period? Write your answer in standard decimal notation and in exponential notation. (See Example 3 and Example 4.)

    Comments (2)

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      ______    _____     ______   __   __     _____  
     /_____//  |  ___||  /_____//  \ \\/ //   / ___// 
     `____ `   | ||__    `____ `    \ ` //    \___ \\ 
     /___//    | ||__    /___//      | ||     /    // 
     `__ `     |_____||  `__ `       |_||    /____//  
     /_//      `-----`   /_//        `-`'   `-----`   
     `-`                 `-`                          
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    system user
    Guest   7 years ago |
    120 days is one feeding period and the whale eats 5000 pounds a day multiply 5000 and 120 to get the amount per period
    system user
    Guest   7 years ago |