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4.1 Exponential Growth

4.1 Exponential Growth
  • Math Help

    An integrated circuit is a microscopic array of electronic circuits and components that has been etched onto the surface of a semiconducting material such as silicon. It is called an integrated circuit because the components, circuits, and base material are all made from a single piece of silicon. An integrated circuit, more commonly known as a microchip, can be very complex, containing millions of elements. To learn more about the integrated circuit, read the article "The History of the Integrated Circuit" at (Source:

  • Consumer Suggestion

    In 1971, Intel began selling an integrated circuit that it described as the first "microprogrammable computer on a chip" with a price tag of $1,000. Intel and other manufacturers continued to refine the microchip, enabling the creation of personal computers.

    Are you looking for a new computer? If so, visit this Computer Guide from Consumer Reports.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    One integrated circuit has an area of about one square centimeter. It would take forty million atoms placed side by side to make a row about 1 centimeter in length. An integrated circuit that is one square centimeter could hold 40,000,0002 = 1,600,000,000,000,000 or 1.6 quadrillion atoms.

    Suppose that a transistor became as small as a single atom. Moore's Law would be valid until at least 2050, as shown in the spreadsheet.

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    Advances in science, particularly the discovery of subatomic particles, could allow for even smaller transistors and integrated circuits in the future.

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      / //__     | ||     | [] || |  ___  || | .  || 
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    system user
    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
    Thanks for you comment. I can't say that I understand what Quantum Computing means. When I was in high school physics in the 1950s, the laws of physics made more sense to me. Now, physics seems more like philosophy than science ... In any case, I am happy that there are people who understand the mysteries of subatomic particles.
    system user
    Guest   1 decade ago |
    Article: Single-Atom Transistor Is End of Moore's Law; May Be Beginning of Quantum Computing
    system user
    Guest   1 decade ago |
    Here is an interesting graph that shows how accurate Moore's Law has been.