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1.2 Rounding & Calculators

1.2 Rounding & Calculators
  • Math Help

    When trying to make sense of the magnitude of very large numbers, it helps to remember that each "number name" is 1000 times more than the previous number name.

    • 1 million is 1000 times more than 1 thousand
    • 1 billion is 1000 times more than 1 million
    • 1 trillion is 1000 times more than 1 billion

    Although we listed the "byte system" as powers of 10, the same names are sometimes interpreted as powers of 2. This is especially true in computer programming because computers work on a "base 2" system. In that system, 1 kilobyte is considered to be 1024 bytes. The table at the right compares the two systems.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    Buying a new computer? Do you want a notebook, laptop, or desktop? Use a search engine to search for the phrase "which computer is right for me."

    You could also check out this article at eHow to find instructions on beginning your search for a new computer.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    To find the storage for one Apple iPad, divide the total amount of stored digital information by 50 billion Apple iPads.

    equation showing breakdown of 0.8 zettabytes divided by 50 million iPads = 16 gigabytes per iPad.

    So, one Apple iPad can store 16 gigabytes of information.

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