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Chapter 3 Review Exercises

Chapter 3 Review Exercises
  • 9. Ultraviolet Radiation

    Use a set diagram to analyze the statement about tanning.

    Suntanning is a result of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is a type of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. All EM radiation is made up of small particles that travel in a wave-like pattern at the speed of light.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Here is one possible set diagram that shows this information.

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     `-`                 `-`                          
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  • 10. Ultraviolet Radiation

    Use a set diagram to analyze the statement about tanning.

    UV radiation from the Sun consists of three main types: UVA, UVB, and UVC. All UVC and some UVB are absorbed by Earth's ozone layer. Most tanning lamps emit both UVA and UVB rays, but some emit only UVA rays.

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     __   __   _    _    _    _      ___      ____    
     \ \\/ // | || | || | || | ||   / _ \\   |  _ \\  
      \   //  | || | || | || | ||  | / \ ||  | |_| || 
      / . \\  | \\_/ || | \\_/ ||  | \_/ ||  | .  //  
     /_//\_\\  \____//   \____//    \___//   |_|\_\\  
     `-`  --`   `---`     `---`     `---`    `-` --`  
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  • 11. Ultraviolet Radiation

    Use a set diagram to analyze the statement about tanning.

    UV radiation damages DNA in cells. Your body responds by increasing the production of melanin, which causes tanning. UV radiation can also cause premature skin aging and skin cancer.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Here is one possible set diagram that shows this information.

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    __    __     ___                _____    _____    
    \ \\ / //   / _ \\      ___    |  ___|| |  __ \\  
     \ \/ //   / //\ \\    /   ||  | ||__   | |  \ || 
      \  //   |  ___  ||  | [] ||  | ||__   | |__/ || 
       \//    |_||  |_||   \__ ||  |_____|| |_____//  
        `     `-`   `-`     -|_||  `-----`   -----`   
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  • 12. Ultraviolet Radiation

    Use a set diagram to analyze the statement about tanning.

    UV radiation can also damage your eyes. All UVB rays are absorbed by the cornea, but UVA rays pass through to the lens.

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      _____     _____    __   __     ___     _____    
     |__  //   |  ___||  \ \\/ //   / _ \\  |  __ \\  
       / //    | ||__     \   //   | / \ || | |  \ || 
      / //__   | ||__     / . \\   | \_/ || | |__/ || 
     /_____||  |_____||  /_//\_\\   \___//  |_____//  
     `-----`   `-----`   `-`  --`   `---`    -----`   
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  • 13. Ultraviolet Radiation

    Use a set diagram to analyze the statement about tanning.

    Sunscreens reduce the amount of UV radiation that penetrates the skin. Every broad-spectrum sunscreen blocks both UVA and UVB rays.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Here is one possible set diagram that shows this information.

      In the set diagram, notice the following.

      • All broad-sprectrum sunscreen reduces the amount of UV radiation that penetrates skin.
      • Other things, such as umbrellas or roofs, also reduce the amount of UV radiation that penetrates skin.
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    | // __     -| ||-     /   ||  | ||__     \___ \\ 
    | \\_\ ||   _| ||_    | [] ||  | ||__     /    // 
     \____//   /_____//    \__ ||  |_____||  /____//  
      `---`    `-----`      -|_||  `-----`  `-----`   
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  • 14. Ultraviolet Radiation

    Use a set diagram to analyze the statement about tanning.

    Some people tan easier than other people. Some people burn easier than other people.

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     _    _      ___                 ___     _____    
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    | \\_/ ||  | \_/ ||   | [] ||  | \_/ || | |__/ || 
     \____//    \___//     \__ ||   \___//  |_____//  
      `---`     `---`       -|_||   `---`    -----`   
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  • 15. Tanning

    Use a set diagram to visualize the negation of the statement about tanning.

    My best friend usually has a farmer's tan or a trucker's tan.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Some of the common tan lines associated with a farmer's tan include:

      • forearms (from a short-sleeve shirt or T-shirt)
      • neck (from shirt collar)
      • thighs (if shorts are worn)
      • ankles (from socks, only if exposed)
      • forehead (if a hat is worn)
      • wrist (if a watch is worn)

      A "trucker's tan" is a variation of the farmer's tan where one arm from the sleeve downward is tanned significantly more than the other arm due to driving with the windows down. While named a "trucker's tan," such a tan line is not exclusive to truck drivers and can be attained by driving most motor vehicles. An "inverted trucker's tan" is when the passenger in a vehicle has similar tan lines as a trucker's tan, but on the opposite arm." (source: Wikipedia)

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      ____       ___      ______    _____    _____    
     |  _ \\    / _ \\   /_   _//  |  ___|| |  __ \\  
     | |_| ||  | / \ ||  `-| |,-   | ||__   | |  \ || 
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     `-` --`    `---`      `-`'    `-----`   -----`   
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  • 16. Tanning

    Use a set diagram to visualize the negation of the statement about tanning.

    When I go to the beach, I will wear sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 25 and I will use a beach umbrella to reduce my exposure to UV radiation.

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     _____       ___      _  _    __   __   _    _   
    |  __ \\    / _ \\   | \| ||  \ \\/ // | |  | || 
    | |  \ ||  | / \ ||  |  ' ||   \ ` //  | |/\| || 
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