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3.3 Deductive & Inductive Reasoning

3.3 Deductive & Inductive Reasoning
  • Math Help

    If you take a course in statistics, you will learn that statistical inference is almost always based on inductive reasoning. The only cases in which this is not true are when you are able to sample an entire population.

    In most cases, the sample taken is small compared to the population, and the inference is stated with a degree of uncertainty. For instance, you might say, "I am 95% certain that the mean height of men in the United States is 70 inches, plus or minus 1 inch."

    The point is that inductive reasoning does not generally provide us with certainty. And yet, as humans, we are all comfortable living with uncertainty. It exists, often unsaid but understood, in almost all of our conversations.

    For instance, when you tell someone, "I'll be there in about 10 minutes," both you and the person listening to you understand that something could happen to make the statement false.

  • Consumer Suggestion

    The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has classified the bluefin tuna as critically endangered, the highest risk category prior to extinction. For more information about the WWF, current projects, and ways you can help, visit their website.

    Did you know that gorillas, elephants, pandas, and polar bears are also endangered or vulnerable? There are several threats impacting these animals and their respective habitats:

    • Climate change
    • Deforestation and habitat loss
    • Illegal wildlife trade
    • Human encroachment
    • Pollution

    For more on these causes, visit Animals Under Siege.

  • Checkpoint Solution

    One can hardly pick up a newspaper or news magazine without reading about other examples of inductive reasoning related to environmental issues. Here are a few examples.

    • Overpopulation by humans, which many environmentalists agree is the primary problem.
    • Global warming, which is a result of overpopulation.
    • Indirect threatening of animal species by destruction of habitat.
    • Direct threatening of animal species by fishing and hunting.
    • Poisoning of the environment through garbage, plastics, and toxic waste.
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    system user
    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
    Several of the examples in this book have political overtones. This is intentional. What is not intentional is to take sides on political issues. We leave that up to you. You should take sides. And when you do, you should use logic and mathematics to help make a decision as to which side you take.