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3.2 Statements & Negations

3.2 Statements & Negations
  • 9. Pearl Harbor Attack

    Use a set diagram to analyze the statement about the attacks at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. (See Example 3.)

    Some of the Japanese machinery destroyed in the attack were midget submarines.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      The statement involves two categories: (a) midget submarines and (b) Japanese machinery destroyed in the attack.

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                 ___      _  _      ___      _____   
        ___     / _ \\   | \| ||   / _ \\   /  ___|| 
       /   ||  | / \ ||  |  ' ||  | / \ || | // __   
      | [] ||  | \_/ ||  | .  ||  | \_/ || | \\_\ || 
       \__ ||   \___//   |_|\_||   \___//   \____//  
        -|_||   `---`    `-` -`    `---`     `---`   
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    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
    I have always associated with this historic date. I was born 37 days before the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Later, in the 1950s, my Dad was stationed in Hawaii near Pearl Harbor and I went to high school there for 2 years. This was before Hawaii was a state.
  • 10. Pearl Harbor Attack

    Use a set diagram to analyze the statement about the attacks at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. (See Example 3.)

    Some of the U.S. ships heavily damaged in the attack were battleships.

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     _    _      ___     _    _    __   __    _____   
    | |  | ||   / _ \\  | \  / ||  \ \\/ //  / ____|| 
    | |/\| ||  / //\ \\ |  \/  ||   \ ` //  / //---`' 
    |  /\  || |  ___  ||| .  . ||    | ||   \ \\___   
    |_// \_|| |_||  |_|||_|\/|_||    |_||    \_____|| 
    `-`   `-` `-`   `-` `-`  `-`     `-`'     `----`  
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  • 11. Winston Churchill Quote

    Use a set diagram to analyze the Winston Churchill quote. (See Example 3 and Example 4.)

    "Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon."

    • Worked-Out Solution

      The sizes of different regions in a set diagram do not normally imply anything about quantity. However, you can always add an annotation to indicate quantity.

      You can assume that the three sets representing different views of private enterprise do not have any overlap. For instance, someone who sees private enterprise as a "predatory target to be shot" does not see private enterprise as a "sturdy horse pulling the wagon."

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      ______     ___      _  _      ___      ____    
     /_____//   / _ \\   | \| ||   / _ \\   |  _ \\  
     `____ `   | / \ ||  |  ' ||  / //\ \\  | |_| || 
     /___//    | \_/ ||  | .  || |  ___  || | .  //  
     `__ `      \___//   |_|\_|| |_||  |_|| |_|\_\\  
     /_//       `---`    `-` -`  `-`   `-`  `-` --`  
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    Ron Larson (author)1 decade ago |
    I love these Winston Churchill quotes.
  • 12. Winston Churchill Quote

    Use a set diagram to analyze the Winston Churchill quote. (See Example 3 and Example 4.)

    "Once in a while you will stumble upon the truth but most of us manage to pick ourselves up and hurry along as if nothing had happened."

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      _____    __   __    ______     ___              
     / ____||  \ \\/ //  /_____//   / _ \\      ___   
    / //---`'   \ ` //   `____ `   | / \ ||    /   || 
    \ \\___      | ||    /___//    | \_/ ||   | [] || 
     \_____||    |_||    `__ `      \___//     \__ || 
      `----`     `-`'    /_//       `---`       -|_|| 
                         `-`                     `-`  
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  • 13. Winston Churchill Quote

    Use a set diagram to analyze the Winston Churchill quote. (See Example 3 and Example 4.)

    "Though I have now stated the two great dangers which menace the homes of the people, war and tyranny, I have not yet spoken of poverty and privation which are in many cases the prevailing anxiety."

    "Sinews of Peace" speech

    • Worked-Out Solution

      With all due respect to Sir Winston, the statement is a bit confusing. Nevertheless, here is one way to represent the statement with a set diagram.

      Note: Privation is a state in which things essential for human well-being such as food and warmth are scarce or lacking.

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     __   _    __   __  __    __    _____    _____    
    | || | ||  \ \\/ // \ \\ / //  |  ___|| |  __ \\  
    | '--' ||   \ ` //   \ \/ //   | ||__   | |  \ || 
    | .--. ||    | ||     \  //    | ||__   | |__/ || 
    |_|| |_||    |_||      \//     |_____|| |_____//  
    `-`  `-`     `-`'       `      `-----`   -----`   
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  • 14. Winston Churchill Quote

    Use a set diagram to analyze the Winston Churchill quote. (See Example 3 and Example 4.)

    "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in some cases, increasing measure of control from Moscow."

    "Sinews of Peace" speech

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      ______     ___     __   _      ___      ______  
     /_   _//   / _ \\  | || | ||   / _ \\   /_____// 
     `-| |,-   | / \ || | '--' ||  | / \ ||  `____ `  
       | ||    | \_/ || | .--. ||  | \_/ ||  /___//   
       |_||     \___//  |_|| |_||   \___//   `__ `    
       `-`'     `---`   `-`  `-`    `---`    /_//     
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