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1.2 Rounding & Calculators

1.2 Rounding & Calculators
  • 19. Estimating the Reasonableness of a Receipt

    Use rounding to decide whether the total is reasonable. Explain your reasoning.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Estimate each dollar amount by rounding to the nearest whole dollar.

      The sum of the estimates is $31. So, the grocery bill total is reasonable

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    Guest   2 years ago |
  • 20. Estimating the Reasonableness of a Receipt

    Use rounding to decide whether the total is reasonable. Explain your reasoning.

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  • 21. Estimating a Distance on a Map

    Estimate the distance from Cheyenne to Gillette.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Using the scale on the map, the distance is about 220 miles from Cheyenne to Gillette. However, when you check the distance with an Internet map site, you see it is actually 250 miles.

      What you can learn from this is that the driving distance on a road (that curves) can be significantly greater than the straight-line distance "as the crow flies." In this particular case, the driving distance is about 14% more than the straight-line distance.

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    | \\_/ || |  ___  || /___//      | ||   | .  . || 
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      `---`   `-`   `-`  /_//        `-`'   `-`  `-`  
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  • 22. Estimating a Distance on a Map

    You are planning a trip from Riverton to Gillette. You want to stop in Douglas along the way. Estimate the total distance of the trip.

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    | |__/ ||   _| ||_  | \\_\ ||  | ||__   | .  . || 
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    system user
    Guest   6 months ago |
    lmk if you find the answer for this question
    system user
    Guest   1 year ago |
  • 23. Estimating Fuel Cost for a Trip

    Your car can travel 274 miles on a tank of gas. Each tank contains 12.7 gallons. Estimate the fuel cost for a trip from Laramie to Evanston City. Use a gas price of $2.92 per gallon.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      Using the scale on the map, it looks like it is about 280 miles from Laramie to Evanston. Just to be safe, let's say it is 310 miles.

      To find your gas mileage, divide 274 miles by 12.7 gallons.

      274 mi divided by 12.7 gal = 21.6 miles per gallon

      To find the number of gallons you will use on the trip, divide the distance by the gas mileage.

      310 mi(cancelled) divided by 31.6(mi(cancelled)/gal) = 14.4 gal

      Finally, to estimate the fuel cost of the trip, multiply the number of gallons by the price per gallon.

      14.4 gal(cancelled) x $2.92 per gal(cancelled) = $42

      You can estimate that your fuel cost for the trip will be about $42.

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  • 24. Estimating Area from a Map

    Estimate the area of the portion of Yellowstone National Park that is in Wyoming.

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  • 25. Estimating Distances Between Two Cities

    Describe different ways to find the distance between two cities.

    • Worked-Out Solution

      There are four basic ways to estimate distances for a trip.

      • Obtain a printed map and use the scale to estimate the distance.

      • Use a mapping service on the Internet. Three popular sites are


      • If you are in one of the cities, then you can enter the other city into a GPS system to find the distance to the other city.

      • If you belong to a motor club, such as AAA, GM Motor Club, or Allstate, then you can ask the service to create detailed driving directions and maps for you.

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